I’ve been Resto this whole expansion. I’ve been getting geared and I thought my stats were going to be mastery>haste>crit. I was told having high mastery was good for Resto shaman but as Ive gotten my mastery gear my HPS have been steadily going down. I went from topping charts with 1m+ hps to barely hitting 600k. The way I’ve played hasn’t changed but my gear has.
You certainly did a bit. Mastery is usually our least desired stat as peoples HP% has to be fairly low before Mastery gets the same value of some other secondary stats such as Crit.
Crititical Strike is our #1 stat followed by Versatility. You usually want to get Haste to a number you’re comfortable with after and Mastery is whatever is left over on your gear that you couldn’t craft or get into the other stats.