Having sharding in classic will destroy this franchise

I managed to secure a box for launch. There were 89 US servers and 350,000 people because that’s all the boxes they made and there was no online purchase. All these claims of massive crowds were wrong.

I have no problem with sharding if it is limited to only the players on that realm.

They’ve already explicitly ruled out CRZ.

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Great, let it rip :grinning:

Oh, slightly earlier. One of his bios said he started on the TBC development in 2006. They started on full scale TBC the moment Naxx shipped.

Yeah, he straight up says he joined in February 2006 and also helped ship Naxxramas.

Yeah, I didn’t have any qualms about his qualifications to ship Classic.

Sharding WILL be in at the release of Classic in the Starter Zone in a limited capacity. Watch the Video again Noobcakes. #Dumbassname

This is the thing. Those old and dead realms i mention? I still recognize guilds! This was over 10 years ago and the guilds i looked up to at levels 19 and 39 grinding out BGs were still alive not that long ago, but shattered. The realm is dead and gone because the game ( from what i can piece together) has lost itself utterly.

I KNEW the alliance twinks. We hated eachother! There was a particular Gnome Mage who I fought over and over and over. We both would abandon whatever we were doing and fight every time we crossed.

It meant something more and that community and rivalry just isnt there.

Im quite glad i wasnt around for the decline, i dont know that i would have taken it well.

Bring on Classic.

Imagine having your head so far up your own :peach: that you believe sharding is necessary for the success of Classic.

The first 14 years of WoW say Hi! Were the first few weeks of a xpac launch horrible? Yes they were. Was there actually a community to engage with the remaining 100 weeks of that expansion? Yes you could actually see and engage with people in the MMO, crazy idea i know.

If sharding is as necessary as you think it is. Than please explain the FIRST FOURTEEN YEARS OF THIS GAME?! And it’s unprecedented success WITHOUT SHARDING!!!

It’s Ok, i’ll wait patiently for that response.


Anything =/= something.

You’re saying what’s obvious right after saying something blatantly untrue. They indeed did say something noteworthy, it’s just not detailed yet.

Not really. I responded to the sentence that summarized your point best.

You’re exactly right when you say we can’t trust Blizzard period. We don’t want them adding ANYTHING. We have to tell Blizzard not to add sharding because we don’t trust them. If we trusted Blizzard, we’d be able to rest easy knowing Blizzard won’t add sharding.

There are titles you can only earn in vanilla that achievements were added for after the fact.


Please learn what you’re talking about.

They said that where exactly? I haven’t seen anything specific about their plans, only vague statements.

I do hope your prediction is correct!


Can you actually back up your claim?

During MoP when they introduced sharding, they only enabled it for older zones, not MoP. They said they wouldn’t be introducing it for MoP zones at the time. Then later on they turned it on for the MoP zones (I think WoD).

See below for a reference from more recent use.

we may temporarily re-enable sharding in that area until things settle down.

i want sharding, i want to play the game not stare at a server down page

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If you like sharding and playing the game that way, there is this game that has been using it for quite some time now. I believe its current expansion is called battle for azeroth

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That assumes you like sharding and just aren’t willing to accept it as part of a successful launch.