Having Mail Icon not showing

I can not for the life of me with this new UI, find the option to turn on the, you have mail Icon. I looked through all of the options & Edit modes & I still can’t find it,

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank You.

Above the Mini map. Small icon on the left(ish) side.

Apolgies, forgot to add that it does not appear unless ya got mail.

If you’ve moved your minimap to the bottom of the screen, with the edge of the “window” sitting on the bottom of the screen, and ticked the box to have the header under the map instead of on top, the mail icon will be off the screen as it’s not actually inside the window.

Thank You, I now see it but I can say I don’t like this.

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The icon was on by default for me (when I have mail, that is). It’s a very tiny icon above and to the left of the minimap:


If I could share the image directly here I would, but if you copy paste that link without the ~ it should show you where to find it.

Why would they do it this way Instead of the old way? I am learning about the new UI but I like some of the old UI better (showing you have mail).



You there! With the face! I like you.


Thank ye.


I actually just realized two days ago that I could post images and videos finally. I have no idea why or when that happened, but I thought I’d try to at least be useful about it. :wink:

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Yes… couldn’t they have made it just a little bit tinier??? eye roll

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Small is an understatement. The icon is microscopic and this new UI suxass.