I left SOD for some time after leveling about 6-7 characters to 30. I left for the anniversary realms, and had a blast over there until I was outpaced by the pack and couldn’t find any dungeon runs for a lowly rogue.
So, I looked at my SOD characters again, and figured I would give them a go. I initially picked a warrior with the intent of getting the WW axe and seeing how silly op’d it would be, but wasn’t feeling it.
I then went to my shaman and bought all the runes. After mixing them up a bit, I decided 2h WF was going to be the most interesting. Grinded out a few levels and then set off for SMGY solo. Initially, I just wanted to kill the Interrogator so I could get the quest, but had no trouble clearing the dual packs and continued on. I was pretty fortunate, in that I had a boe blue drop in my first run, and that sort of set me on the path of leveling in the dungeon.
From 34-36, I stayed in GY, but moved over to Library at 37, killing the Houndmaster, in hopes of the staff dropping (nothing but gloves). Made it to 39 without leaving the dungeon except for doing the ring quest and training/selling.
It’s been a blast, and if you have a low 30’s shaman, I encourage you to check it out as well.
I made about 65g from 34-39, but have to get the staff and start to clear a little more of Library next.