Having a hard time deciding on my Kul Tiran

Originally I thought Arms Warrior because he’s big and seeing him swing a giant 2H would be awesome but not a whole lot of plate looks good on him and if Ogres ever come out… That’ll for sure be a Warrior of some type.

I really like their Druid forms but my cognitive dissonance at the thought of Kul Tiran Druids is pretty strong… just lore that I don’t believe in. Same goes with Shaman.

Hunter is also always a trusty go to but I have far too many Hunters as is.


Whatever you choose, make sure you have a mog that shows off that burly chesthair!

Be a rogue! You could be more of a bouncer/brawler than a sneaky sneak.

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I have three, arms warrior, brewmaster monk and outlaw rogue. I like them all and although my monk is higher level currently, I always want to play the other two. My only problem is gear under level 60 is junk and desperately needs an update, but otherwise the little bit of stretch doesn’t bother me. My main ally is a tubby Panda after all. lol :smiley:

I’d recommend a Warrior for your Kul Tiran, but the only way to be absolutely certain you are doing things correctly is to reroll as a Gnome. :thinking:


Rogue is rough because my DI and Mag’har are Rogues (and in the process of leveling). Monk I also have some inability to accept. With the whole naked + pants transmog I have been thinking of going Enh Shaman with brass knuckles and just fist fighting everything but the small things like wolf form will just give me a hard time.


omg… yes, shaman. I just changed my mind. Shirtless burly brawler wielding dual tankards of terror.

EDIT: Dude, check this out:

Shaman isn’t a bad idea either. I picture a drunken master kind of brewmaster monk when I play mine though. Always have some liquor in a bag ready to swig, which I do a lot, but not enough to make the dang screen blurry. I also have a laugh macro set up that I click here and there, especially when I click on characters, pets, random things, and just laugh. I also ride Hogrus a lot, it just fits, for me, haha. The shaman idea is good too though, but I agree shifting into a small wolf might be weird.

Surprisingly the animations for a monk are smooth. No regrets here.

I also like their druid forms, but would never race change my current druid, as I’ll probably always play guardian, and I’d never see their great looking druid forms because werebear looks so much better than anything else.

That being said, I did race change my rogue to kul’tiran.

Hello I’ve had a great time with my outlaw rogue leveling up, I think it fits and quick drawing the pistol is just great.