Having 10+ layers per server is absolutely game breaking and undermines the entire purpose of this project

But … you CAN see them in chat, you can hear them in chat and PST, and you can invite them to see them in person.

It’s still my contention that if you have 3000, 4000 etc people playing on your server (or in your layer) that chances are good you’d STILL only get to know 10 or 15 of them personally. And if they wind up on different layers, but are on your friend list - what’s really the big deal?

I must be missing something here.


I’d rather Blizzard didn’t gamble and decide to use Classic as the platform to test their layering technology, but I know Whitekidney will have my back.

I have absolutely zero qualms about going back to private servers.

It’s a shame because I was really looking forward to some stability, but I’ll do what I need to do to chase that Vanilla nostalgia.

Blizzard could just suck it up, but due to how big of a hit Activision took after their gamble with mobile gaming, it feels like they have to work with a small budget and have to go this route against what they really want.

I had a lot of faith and I’m gonna play and adapt, but if I have to go back to private, I will. Ree.


This entire thing is a gamble.

You don’t say.

Again, I’d rather they didn’t gamble.

So… you’re saying you don’t want classic.

You should re-read the rest of my post, turn your kitchen table upside down, hop on a table leg, and rotate.

You should reread the comment you replied to. This entire thing is a gamble. Not layering. The entirety of classic.

Don’t want blizzard to gamble? That means you don’t want them to release classic.

Lol. Pepega.

Not my fault you can’t read.

Yeah, it’s going to be a disaster. At least they’ve come out and stated that they’d implement queues to dissuade people from dogpiling on three servers.

Your assumption that this entire project is a gamble is a laughable strawman and wholly autistic-at-best comprehension of what a bulk of the community has asked for going back for quite some time.

Well first of all, I didn’t say it was your position, so by definition it’s not a strawman.

Secondly, yea, throwing resources at classic is a huge gamble. It could flop, it could split the playerbase, and there’s really no recourse. Layering is hedging their bets.

And no. The bulk of the community did not ask for classic. A VERY small subset asked for classic, and we should all be thanking them profusely for their efforts.


Hear hear!

I thank them daily for their gamble - and for the employees of Blizzard who put their JOBS on the line shoving this at management. You KNOW they got massive push back.


heck yea they did. They didn’t talk about it in the investor calls for a while because of the worry that it woudln’t work.

I bet someone got chewed out for deciding to announce it at blizzcon when they did.

Being argumentative for literally no reason than because you are bored. You responded to me directly with a quote so whose position is it supposed to be? Pepega like I said.

It could also generate additional revenue by bringing back old players, generating hype and views, and establishing dialogue for a product that is long past the shelf date, but for some reason, is still some people’s favorite flavor.

How is layering hedging their bet? You allude the playerbase could be divded and then in the same breath suggest dividing players on layers protects the gamble? What? If Blizzard wanted to hedge their bet and protect it they’d simply be more communicative and put the forum fire to bed with one quick Eternal Quintessence dousing the runes, saying something along the lines of, “Our plan is to only have layering at launch. We’ve said this before and hear your cries and want to reassure you this was the original plan.”

This has been a discussion for the better part of a decade my man. The private server community is rather large, worldwide, and is not just a small subset. When Blizzard invited the folks from Nostalrius out, have given guys like Esfand and Staysafe priveleged information, and have relentlessly tried to shut down illegal servers, they did so knowing just how massive of a playerbase they had lost.

This gamble was never a gamble. People like different versions of the game. The playerbase has gone down at a noticeable rate since the end of WotLK with every single expansion.

Gambling on Classic =/= gambling players don’t mind layering.

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So, the reasoning given is that they won’t be able to impress lots of people and gain rep with those real people? So, layering is slowing down their IRL rep-grind?

Or is it more likely that some PvP greifer won’t be able to disrupt anyone’s game time but those in the same layer with them by camping quest givers and is upset by that? Will there be an addon that lets griefers jump to different layers so that they can kill the same questgiver in all layers? Will there be another addon that lets people participating in “base defense game play” pursue those people into other layers? “We’ve reached layer #4. Has anyone here seen Noobmaster69? Farmer Saldean is still alive here? Let’s set up an ambush.”

I would really really appreciate if they could phase all PvP flagged people on PvE servers into specific layers. Something like the way Warmode puts people into a different phase. I know it isn’t how things worked in the original game. I was there, trying to turn in quests with some max level standing over the corpse of my level 10 questgiver /spitting at me because they were too much of a coward to attack people their own level. Even dishonorable kills didn’t discourage the e-bullies. I choose a PvE server for a reason. I would appreciate if the developers would respect my decision, including not letting griefers kill the same questgiver in all 10 layers.

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Even if this were true, it’s not a straw man.

That’s the potential payoff. Otherwise they wouldn’t be doing this lol.

Are you actually serious about this question? I genuinely can’t tell if you’re trolling or not.

With a tiny fraction of the playerbase. The rest of you shouted them down with the whole “wall of no” BS.

I mean, it’s still a gamble whether you want to admit it or not.

Show me a game that doesn’t have the same surge and fade pattern. The difference with MMOs is you get smaller boosts with new expansions, so it lasts MUUUCH longer… but ultimately the game decays down to a small fraction of what it once was.

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“Hey guys Billy Mays here.”

In many cases Layering is why people won’t even start playing. Many people have groups they game with online, and if even one person realizes how disgusting layering is and refuses to play, the whole group probably won’t resubscribe.

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If you want to argue and be taken seriously, you can’t just make stuff up.