Having 10+ layers per server is absolutely game breaking and undermines the entire purpose of this project

LOL… good one…

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When you only have one shot at something we’ve been waiting ten years for, ‘wait and see’ probably isn’t the wisest route.


When did this change from “sharding” to “layering”? I’ve been out of the loop for awhile.

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“You think you do, but you dont.” Blizzard cant fathom why anyone would want to play this game. They have said somewhere around like 70 percent of players will quit within first few weeks. And they are right about that. With all the layering problems, 70 percent will quit within the first few weeks.


I feel you…

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It’s fine. Calm down.

Like the rest of us… and like blizzard… you have nothing but conjecture and hypothesis.

You weren’t promised the exact same experience. You were only promised a recreation of vanilla.

It’s not up to you what is and isn’t enough. At this point, layering isn’t going away. If that’s really a problem for you then don’t play until it’s gone.


You forget your WoW history, or weren’t around to experience it personally.

I have on 3 occasions over the years been given realm transfers for ALL my toons. The first was when oceanic realms opened for the first time, I transferred off Draenor to an Oceanic realm.

The next was when I transferred from the oceanic realm I was on to a different Oceanic realm, as the server I was on got shut down due to low population. I was given the option to transfer to any server of my choice on this occasion.

The third was when they shut the oceanic realms for a period, at which I was offered another any realm transfer, so I relocated back to Draenor.

On 2 out of those 3 occasions, server transfers were available as a charged service, yet I received it for FREE due to Blizzard making the changes they did. I have no reason to believe it will be any different this time around.




There are a lot of people who don’t think it’s fine. So no, i won’t calm down.

As for your other comments, what exactly is your point? Are the forums not for discussing the issues with the information available to us? It’s a bit weird that you pose your differing opinion as a critique of my right to express my concerns, when everything you are saying is just as based on conjecture as anything I’ve said.

And to be clear, it IS pretty simple math to see how many layers they will need per server. Not much baseless conjecture needed.


They did say we would get an “Authentic Vanilla experience

If you know what authentic means then you also know they are doing the opposite by incorporating Layering into Classic.


If you can accurately approximate player numbers on day 1, day 30, day 60, day 90 and lastly day 120, I’d love to see the figures, then we can have some meaningful conversation and you’ll have a stream of job offers from developers world wide.

Stop whining.

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Feedback is not whining.


Doubt there will be 10+layers. They stated somewhere in an interview that there would be a definite cap on the severs where queues will start rolling in. They also stated that other severs are being prepared in case the population exceeds their expectations so if severs are still crowded by P2, I would guess they would remove layering and add new severs with a free Xfer option for those who dont want to live in queues.

Im at work so i dont have time to find the sources but im sure you people can find them.

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You’re not wrong. But nowhere in your post do you mention the equally daunting problems presented by NOT having layering. Like… not being able to do quests, at all, because there are 100+ people camping every spawn.

Any discussion of layering without comparing it to the alternative is meaningless.


Being surrounded by players making it difficult to complete anything isn’t an issue to me, it’s authentic. It’s the charm of Vanilla, it’s what get’s you to start being social and group up with players on your way towards 60. Building relationships and reputation that layering indirectly fragments.


Overreact then. IDGAF about your non sequitur.

All of this is your own personal problem. Whinging about it isn’t going to change anything but your own blood pressure.

That your comment is full of nonsense language about what is or isn’t “good enough”. You assume it’s going to be a problem, and then project your assumption onto everyone else.

It’s not up to you what is or isn’t good enough. Thank goodness the users of this forum don’t dictate design decisions, or the game would be a trainwreck.

Oh? You have the number of players that will be there on day 1 and week 1? You know how many players blizzard is going to allow in each layer at ever? You know what server those people are going to play on?

Well then! Share you math with us… but be sure not to include the conjecture and hypothesis I mentioned in my last comment.

This should be good. :slight_smile:


That authentic vanilla experience of the population spiking at launch and then fading away :smiley:

No. You get the same game mechanics and nothing more.

You don’t have to calm down. But your anxiety isn’t doing anything but making you miserable. The game comes out in two weeks.


What happened to the players that said layering would only be there for a “week or two” ?

I got a feeling layering is going to be there all the way up to the phase 2 wall and then what ?