Having 10+ layers per server is absolutely game breaking and undermines the entire purpose of this project

I hope that’s true, and that everything goes as smoothly as possible.

I was mainly responding to her suggestion that if realms get low pop, blizzard should connect them, which was the first step Blizzard took in retail to combat dead realms. CRZ followed along after that. So that’s where the repeating history comes from. I definitely do NOT want Bliz just doing it all the same way as retail, so I think layering is actually a pretty good idea. How it ends up being implemented will make a big difference, but I’d prefer this to connected realms and crz.

Make the break through…get one mega server

It’s not my problem, it’s their problem to figure out!

What? I don’t like the potential solutions? THATS’ NOT FAIR I’VE BEEN LIED TO AND STUFF!

Grow up.

Literally nothing you said is important.

Try trolling in Sunday. Works better.

I went back and forth and looked for the same people… particularly ones hanging around in Brill and Org.