Haven't Played Arena since Early Season 1 - Put into 2.2k mmr solo shuffle brackets

So yeah, earned elite season 1 in solo shuffle, but I quit and haven’t logged in since.

I guess it’s probably not news to most people that your mmr will carry over, but over three seasons, and after having not played for so long, without having addons updated or the UI customized to my liking (I was planning on doing this organically after starting at a 1.5k mmr) , it certainly did not go well lmfao. Gonna be a rough few brackets before getting into an mmr where I can start to redevelop awareness and get back the muscle memory…

Welcome back to solo shuffle!


Just had this happen where I haven’t played since season 1 on my DH and was immediately placed into 2.2k MMR lobbies.

I’ve never gone above 1800 ever on any character.

I think I had something like this from Crimson on my Hunter

I played to 1800 for the set, queued up late next season with no gear and was in a 2400ish lobby

Just got my butt whooped bruh it was a frost mage, a MM, and an afflock. I couldn’t move.

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MMR in wow is pretty good about adjusting up and down but that’s without taking into account the abnormally long queue times of dps shuffle, so yeah, it’s sort of suffering at times.

i feel you, i didn’t play for 1 year and i got launched into ss with 2.2k mmr people. slowly making wins here and there but it’s definitely not fun being launched into the thick of the sweatiness.

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as soon as I learn how to suddenly go from struggling to reach 1800 to suddenly being a consistent 2.2k player it’s over for these chumps

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This is pretty much where I’m at.

I lose 5-6 rounds in each solo shuffle, but my mmr is only dropping ~100 per round, so it’s like 15 minutes of queue to suffer through six games and it’s gonna be like 5-6 queues before I start competing with people at my level (and then hopefully start to bounce back as I get back into the flow of the game)


lol, we are the same you and I

dont worry man

according to these forums… 2pc/4c/gear in general doesnt even matter!

so who cares if ur fighting dudes at 2.2k who have 6 or 7 pieces of gear on you? the gear is just an illusion mane plenty of rank 1s get rank 1 without gear. u can too

If you’re still gearing you’re still working on initial cr and it really doesn’t, no

well a plant dies with over a year without watering man

Well my complaint wasn’t really about gear tbh. It was more just a lighthearted jab at the reality that for players who pushed mmr seasons ago, they’re in for a rude awakening if they come back to the game unprepared to play at that same mmr

yeah it just put my priest into a 1900 mmr lobby i dont even remember doing any rated on my priest ever lmfao.


but my evoker who i got to 1950 starts at 1250 mmr wtffffff

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Well I’ve started to stagnate at about 1950 mmr which is pretty damn okay with me for day one. Might even hit rival + and then it’ll slowly come back to me. It gets better I promise :smiley:

well, the upside to starting at a high mmr, is that you can hit duelist in a day of queueing. games got a lot easier after gearing up a bit more and getting that free tier set piece once you get 1600.