Have you met your season goals?

me making warriors.

All classes will receive the elite transmogs from S3, they will repeat everything except glad mount, tabard and illusion, the rest is the same from S3.

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Not true. An example, DHs will be getting the season 2 elite transmog.

You can go to the sets section and look for the S3 elite, you will see that it also mentions S4, the fact that they would use the elite from other seasons again or that they were going to add a new color was a misinterpretation by people.

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I helped a friend 1540 to rival for his set, and a few randoms to rival for their sets. too burnt out on this garbage season to get my own hunter/monk set. think I have all the other ones

I’m pretty sure people voted for their favorite season 4 mog and set bonus individually. I’m not sure what you mean by

Just in case you are confused.

Swoles a good boy. Not like he would go into a discord call wishing death upon a dudes kid and making numerous sual references to the dudes wife then going wild in the discord chat and have them all recorded and put into a tome for everyone to see at will

Nah hes not like that i ssswwweeeaaarrrrr

Having a few characters of the same class is normal.

Unless you’re big dam having 60 shamans all over the world.

This was the first season I actually was actively focused on ranking… And got to Rival, which I am happy about. Normally I just captain casual my way to Challenger or C II in solo in the last 2 weeks of the season. Putting my mind on the grind and actually going for that 1800+ was a different beast.

Not sure if I am gonna up the goal next season or just keep the rival goal and then see how far ahead I get. Will probably set my sights on R II since that 100 rating is a VERY wide bar compared to even 0 to 1600.


Yes after completely giving up on ever getting glad my season goal of 2k has been reached

I was one of those players that ran into the S3 deflation wall earlier and stopped, :sweat_smile:. Came back a few days ago and finished Rival I fairly straightforwardly; I don’t remember who but it’s some Tauren druid on these forums; they mentioned in a different post that they felt like queueing now feels like the earlier seasons and I’d have to agree with that.

Also saw some things I never saw earlier just from I think more people queueing up like;

1st shuffle: Got into a lobby with…an Enhancement Shaman :no_mouth:. NGL this was probably the 1st enhance I’d seen since maybe S1?
2nd shuffle: 2 Prot Paladins as our healers. One was actually really, really good he went 6-0. rip to the other guy, lol :sweat_smile:

Might try to see what I can do now on some of my other toons; anything else for me at this point is just gravy hahha.

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Enh players are a myth. They don’t exist.

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I don’t have any goals. That keeps me from being a disappointment.

Wish I’d screenshotted it, :wink::sweat_smile:

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i’m going out sorry this szn.

i promised to give my all to this game but my days are behind me :sleepy: smh. #1 out

Can you elaborate?

Yep, just got 2100 after being mia for weeks and hit 1800 on every class this season. Now I can chill because next season will be an easy skip.

Getting Rival in seasons 1 and 2 prompted me to try and achieve the same in season 3. Things didn’t work out that way, but I’m okay with that because the season 2 elite set is the only one I like anyway. :slight_smile:

For example, dev evoker can put sufficient damage to burst through baseline healer output way more often than every two minutes

I got duelist on my war and druid mains, and unlocked elite sets on every class except evoker (which I don’t have at 70), so I’d say I hit my goals. Was hoping to hit elite, on my mains, but I’m just burnt out and not up to trying. Not to mention I mainly do 2s, and 2400 in 2s is some pretty high level stuff.