Have you ever had an epic pet battle?

I wouldn’t usually consider pet battles to be white-knuckle heart pounding content, but bois and gals, the other night I had an extremely intoxicated pet battle that had a ton of strategic swaps to time out abilities and set up damage combos.

Drop some bragging, do epic pet battles of legendary proportion happen or was I just super drunk and thinking it was amazing?

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Epic battles can occur but the only one I’ve seen was when HazelNutty posted her match against Asmongold and it was a thrilling watch.

ya if u get them level to get 3 pet it is SoFUN !

It happened last night.

2 of my battle pets died and he still has 3 battle pets alive but one 25% hp left, one 50% hp left and one 50% hp left. My last pet killed all his 3 pets. That to me is epic. LOL. GG.


I havent really done any pvp pet battles but I did find that earning my

Was pretty epic in terms of difficulty. I had to wrack my brain with my pet combos I had as I didnt have alot of the more popular combos, others I leveled specifically for the challenge. It was fun though, overrall.

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no, because i think they’re way too slow and drawn out… but i think vanity pets are epic if that counts for anything :slight_smile:

Gave my cat a bath. It felt like an epic battle for sure.


I’m finding it pretty impossible to argue against this.

The first time i beat the celestial tournament
Probably one of the sweatiest things i’ve done lol, it felt so earned at the end
Most of the victories were because of rng gods deciding the 90% chance ability missed on the KO against my last pet

You mean a epic RnG battle? All the time. There are no epic pet battles, maybe pvp I guess.

one time i had a pet battle where i won by the skin of my teeth and i felt so good i

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Tell me about it. How do you get the fur off your tongue?


you’ll have to get much more intimate with me before i reveal the answer

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What’s your bnet? I can’t figure it out. I go to bed every night with cat hair tongue.

Yes in WoD I fought a guy and we came down to our last pets, me with hyjal wisp and he used the store ancient tree wondering pet. We couldn’t kill each other, I cycled to heal myself constantly and his sunshine only helped me with it boosting it and I could not kill him. He eventually gave up after 30mins.

Watching it after I read this comment…this is EXACTLY what happened to me when they got to wisp vs tree in round 4. These 2 pets can’t kill each other.


if i knew i wouldn’t tell you because i’m DRUNK