Have they said anything about our body armor variants?

I just learned that there’s some body armor cosmetics for us. Have they mentioned if they’ll expand it in any way? Right now, but Dracthyr actually looks really amazing combining it with other mogs for shoulders and belt but I’m afraid that just like druid forms it won’t age well.

I also feel really torn. LF dranei are my favorite race but there’s no Dranei visage form and my main can’t be that either.

I didn’t hear anything, at this point maybe next expansion.

There isn’t any new armor for the dracthyr form if that’s what you’re asking.

There are, however, two shoulder models which never made it into the game for whatever reason. They exist somewhere in the game’s files, locked away.

The red one and the green one have them.

There were also these outfits datamined forever ago that were cosmetic armor sets for the visage to match the dracthyr form armor colors, that we have yet to see added to the game.

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OO so there’s hope.