Have retcons ruined lore moments for you?

For me it is a lot of the retcons that came in with Chronicle. Particularly those concerning the relationship between titans and Azeroth.

The trolls being one of the only native beings that were around before the titans arrived was a huge part of what made them interesting. Now they are just another product of the titans messing with the planet. As is all life. Nothing on Azeroth is truly natural anymore, it’s all a product of arcane meddling.

I also really dislike the Wild Gods needing Freya to tie them to the Emerald Dream. Diminishes their role and makes them seem less powerful than even the titan’s constructs, which is a shame seeing as they are supposed to be the cosmological avatars of of one of the defining forces in the mythos.


I’ll be that guy and say Medan. This community’s irrational hatred of the guy for simply existing has led him to be retconned in a sloppy way. It leaves more questions regarding the stories of the other characters who were tied to him. The hatred is possibly why Thrall had to save the world in Cata, which is why Garrosh had to be the Warchief.

I think the problem is most peoples’ definition of retcon. It used to mean a clear change of a clear fact, now people use it any time a story goes “Ah ha! It’s not how you thought it was, surprise!”

With the wrathgate This was one dev’s perspective. It’s how he’s interpreted the story. There is no proof of it, but it’s how he saw things. Keep in mind he has a more overall perspective, his view could include story that was cut or never released, and that made more impact on him. To the majority player base, we are led to believe it was Putress who was mainly responsible.

But that’s another point, when a story is vague, when we don’t have 100% proof of something, that leaves room for hidden story to be expanded upon further. It’s not a retcon, it’s revealing the rest of the picture.

As for me personally, the one hidden revelation that’s bothered me most, is the Orcish Clans of Warlords of Draenor. Any existing lore about the old clans from the true timeline’s draenor, like in vanilla, WCI & 2, books, is just forgotten. Ever since Warlords of Draenor, the Alternate Timeline, everyone considered these clans and their histories to be the end all be all of orc history.

But I still don’t consider it a retcon. Neither is Illidan’s secret motives we don’t learn of till Legion, neither is Sargeras’s motives for destroying the universe. We originally thought he was driven mad by all the evil he’d been forced to defeat and imprison in the universe, causing him to rebel and destroy. Azeroth’s heavy use of arcane magic is what we thought brought him here. But again it’s all a matter of perspective, as we learn, we expand our perspective.

Edit: One more thing about his Wrathgate comment. I also think this was an off handed comment, basically a mistake. This is how he remembered it, how he felt about it, from some writing that was never released or hasn’t been released yet. I believe if he studied this question before an interview, he’d know exactly what information was given to the players, and what we were all told to think, that Putress was responsible.

That being said, his comment isn’t technically wrong, and wouldn’t require calling it a mistake. Because Sylvanas and Putress could be responsible. She did order the creation of the plague, that was a deadly weapon. Even if she never explicitly commanded Putress (I believe he was in fact separating from her), she’s still responsible because she gave him the means to his terrorism. She created a “WMD” but didn’t secure it adequately. It’s why countries fear Nukes so much, they aren’t necessarily afraid of another country firing them, but if they ever got in the wrong hands…

There is nothing irrational about hating a youth who is a mage/paladin/shaman heir to one of Azeroth’s greatest spellcasters, protectors, AND betrayers.


Was Medan ever considered canon? I always heard the comics he was in were non-canon along with the RPG book.

Considering the same comic book he was in was where Varian got his major debut in the story? Unlikely.

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So, it looks like Me’dan and the events of the comics are still considered canon by Afrasiabi… the only part that was retconned is that Me’dan was NOT the Guardian when the events happened. He’s just an insanely powerful magic user.

At least according to wowpedia

There are a lot of things that should just be retconned and forgotten. Me’dan and anything written by Richard Knaack are among them.


If my upvotes weren’t up, this would get it from me. The original sin of Warcraft storytelling.

The Wrathgate changes are a huge one for me. It changes the perspective of the Forsaken’s story for me - instead of an offshoot of radical crazies it just becomes another evil Sylvanas plot.

In a twist, Blizz has revealed that Sylvanas was the radical crazy WC3, Vanilla, BC, Wrath, Cata, WoD, Legion, and BfA always depicted her as!

Well, that’d include the core concepts of the red, green, blue, bronze, and black dragonflights. Which is practically the only versions we’ve known for the entire extent of Warcraft’s modern history.

Edit: What I’m saying is, if you ever happen upon a genie and wish for Knaak’s contributions to Warcraft to be erased, just word it carefully with this and other stuff in mind.

Which is used by any mainstream RPG based of Dungeons and Dragons since the 1980’s. It isn’t unique to Knaak.

D&D’s dragons aren’t organized anywhere near to the same extent, especially not the Chromatic ones (which includes four out of five of the colors we have in Warcraft). Their importance is also typically no where near as significant, whereas in Warcraft they have important roles in the world, from managing the leylines, to overseeing the Emerald Dream, to ensuring the proper flow of the timeline. All things that have been crucial in events within the Warcraft story.

Hell, I can’t think of any RPG system that does anything remotely similar to the Dragons in WoW. Closest in the terms of mystical significance might be the dragons in Iron Kingdoms, except they’ve got something of a blend of the Old Gods in them instead, and are FAR more of a big deal.

Remove Knaak from the equation, and what’s the guarantee that the dragonflights remain the same? Might be throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

Nope. D&D’s dragons have similar colors but the concepts are completely different. For a start, red, blue, black, and green dragons are all evil in D&D. Black dragons spit acid. Green dragons breathe chlorine gas. Red dragons breathe fire, and blue dragons breath lightning. They don’t have any particular connections to earth, nature, life, or magic (respectively). Blue dragons can be spellcasters in D&D, but so can any other dragon. And the fifth color that goes with them is white. Bronze dragons are part of the metallic dragon group, along with gold, silver, brass, and copper, none of which exist in Warcraft. Bronze dragons have no affiliation with time travel in D&D.

Really, there’s no similarity except the visual.


I hated blizzards idea of specie’s origins and most of all the elfs being descendant of trolls ( they need to retcon this) both added into the lore in-between cataclysm and mist of pandaland.

Blizzards needs to stop changing and adding to past lore as it’s generally made this game worse

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Man. Has it really been more than a year since he said that, and still no official clarification?


It is why I believe that the plan was to use the plague against the scourge and only the scourge. However Putress used it to kill members of the alliance and horde because of his loyalty to the Legion.

But then you got some people who believe that Sylvanas engineered the whole thing down to Putress’ betrayal because reasons.


I mean if it was only for use on scourge it’d have been design just to kill them, but the blight was made to kill both living and undead. Also as much as I dislike syl even back in wc3 thaw people thatsay she planned all that are giving her to much credit.

The blight by default killed the living. The new strain killed the dead as well I believe. If you wanted something that just killed the dead you would probably want a holy light bomb, or in line with the current thinking i guess they’d say light forged blight.