Have people forgotten WOW is a MMORPG social game?

By time I was in highschool, I had already been through so many “minefields” that it was a wonder I was remotely functional as a person.

Back when everyone only played one or two characters and played 4 hours a day, it was easy to hang out. These days my play time is limited so don’t focus on interactions as much. I still do a bit of guild chat on some toons or group up. It just isn’t a priority.

The “social” part is voluntary. I do not volunteer. I learned that the hard way fifty five + years ago.

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The social part of the game is a nonstop reminder in this game. M+, dungeons, heroics, LFR, actual raiding require you all to join up with other people. Weather you talk or not, that is a social event. Funk, most don’t even realize that choosing Horde or Alli is a social part of the game since you are deciding which side you want to hang out with

I know this logic is going to hurt some, and others will lash out, but it is the truth.

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I do have a reason for arguing, it’s because I disagree with the OP. Disagreement is allowed on a discussion forum. And having an opinion you don’t like doesn’t make me “rude.”

I do think the level of slowdown you’re asking for would be detrimental to the game. Retail’s strength is having fun, textured and fast-paced dungeon/raid mechanics at the top-end that encourage if not necessitate coordination - but Blizzard gave us the tools to coordinate without needing lengthy conversations in chat, like the ping system, and being able to link specific boss mechanics from the Dungeon Journal. They even gave us in-game voice chat, though of course Discord is far superior for multiple reasons. Classic’s predominantly one-note tank-and-spank fights don’t necessitate those tools, which is what gives more space for nattering away in that game mode.

Lastly, the whole “you don’t want to type to strangers in-game but you want to type to strangers on a forum, curious!” line of attack is beyond silly. I’m here precisely because I can’t play the game right now (e.g. being at work). Or when I’m playing, I go on the forums while I’m on a flight path or loading screen or even just decompressing from a dungeon I just finished or on a scheduled raid break etc etc.

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… it is?

Maybe you mean it was because it sure as flip isn’t anymore.

Finding other players in the world is, more often than not, a nuisance because they kill mobs you’re trying to kill before you land a hit on them, and somehow it’s 2024, or well 2025 now and we are still getting quests that don’t allow players to pick up the same items on the ground so people run in front of you and take the item before you can click on it, esp if you’re fighting an unwanted mob, etc.

Meanwhile, in dungeons, nobody feels like talking or saying anything, people want to kick you for any reason imaginable and Blizz supports this, and even hands you a 30 minute timer regardless of why you were kicked, even if it’s something stupid like “I don’t like your transmog”.

WoW, a social MMO? lol.


It hasn’t been that in years.

One person can’t kick you for not liking your transmog. But if the other 3-4 people you’re running with agree that your transmog is a reason to kick you, that’s allowed. Nobody is entitled to other strangers’ time.

Pick-up Quests that prevent multiple people from looting the object(s) are much rarer now than they were in the days the OP is pining for.

There shouldn’t be any at all, is the point. We have the tech to allow everybody to pick up items.

Apply it to ALL quests. Plain and simple.

Finding other players in the open world should never be a nuisance. If you really want a social MMO, running across other players needs to be a positive thing.

But no, every time I go to a World Quest and I see a quest wanting 12 kills and there’s 3 people there burning mobs down before I can even land a hit on them and there’s only 20 total mobs that spawn there, or when a gathering node disappears with a “You cannot loot that right now” or when someone shows up to a quest that doesn’t let multiple people pick up the quest items, I find myself wishing that I could CRZ myself onto a server with just me, myself, and I. Other players are a nuisance.

There should be punishments for this. Kicking for stupid reasons like this should not happen, at all, without consequences. I’m sorry but I don’t agree with it and I think it’s not only stupid that you’re permitted to kick for reasons like these, but the person being kicked is punished. It’s yet another avenue for griefing that players can employ.

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No argument here.

If they took away Deserter from kicks there would still be griefing, just in the other direction (people holding groups hostage so they can get kicked instead of just leaving.) Blizzard has said as much directly. But this is a completely different topic that has been done to death elsewhere.

Nobody has forgotten more about what this game is than the modern blizzard team who doesn’t play it. You’re getting nowhere by blaming the fans.

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Wow is a MMORPG. There is a massive multi-player online element to it. We are strangers wondering around a world that everyone is to busy grinding to even try to communicate. Look there is ore, gotta get it before someone else. As for a social element. “LOL” This is a game that has recently been designed to pull away from such features. We have delves, speed run dungeons, massively toxic mythics. Nobody in their right mind would look for this game to try to make friends. We are also in a society where saying the wrong thing will get booted so the best thing is to not communicate.

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My time is very limited on WoW, I do not have the time to invest to do social aspects of the game. Its not about people being afraid to make friends. For some, they just don’t have time to do that when they rather do content in game itself due to time constraints. Please don’t make such assertions.

I’m not social and don’t talk because 1) I can’t type in a chat box and tank/dps at the same time. Further with M+ being timed no one wants to sit and wait 2 mins for a near 50 year old who never learned to type peck out “friendly social banter” between pulls. Even further than that I barely understand the lingo anyone under the age of 40 uses and have even less in common with them that I wouldnt even know where to begin being social. 2) I’m usually already talking to my SO who’s at the desk next to me while im playing, or on discord talking to guildies/friends.

I’m fairly social, but I find others aren’t.

It’s usually me barking orders and directions in PvP battlegrounds.

Trying to herd the inexperienced players into areas in which they can be useful, or shouting out what the enemy faction is trying to do.

In addition to friendly trolling, in-game of course. I might shoot you with turkey feathers.

If anyone shares the ‘CLUCK!’ quest in an Epic Battleground, it’s likely me.


Most of the social aspect has traversed to Discord in my experiences. The levels of censorship and twisting of the rules has everyone on edge with their account’s status. With the penalties being a “volcano” effect. You could of been ban or suspended once 14 years ago, well that will be used against you and your time doubled. Just not worth it to chance these days.

It’s only instant gratification if it’s instant, otherwise it’s just convenience.

just because the game was that way, doesnt mean it has to stay that way. things change. people tend to criticize change when it doesnt suit them. for instance, the united states were founded on certain principles, many of them religious. its literally on our money. on our constitution, all presidents used to attend church on sunday, etc. Now that couldnt be further from the truth. as soon as someone tries to change a law back to the way it was, or withhold a law that never changed, you get mass uprising.

hey, pal. I’m not going to talk to as many people as I want to not want to talk to.

I’m a little miffed you tricked me into talking to you, because I don’t want to.

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Every time I read this from anyone I wonder why are you even in this type of game. Not just WoW, but any MMO

As we draw closer to the end of days “it will be like the days of Noah”. Everyone will hate everyone (which is close. we’re being divided across every conceivable line), and every thought of those will be evil continually.

Fear not, for we know how the story ends. As for now, the ability to form friendships and communities at large is diminishing with time. It will continue to do so. It’s how things are meant to play out. Enjoy the family and friends you do have and never stop being a good friend (the kind you’d want to have).

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