"Have Group, Will Travel" Guild Perk spell missing

An iconic guild perk from Cataclysm is missing from the game, Have Group, Will Travel. Not to mention “Cash Flow” as well (Blizzard, just add a daily gold cap to this perk, but keep it in the game). I am a fan of the small retail systems they’re adding such as account wide mounts/transmog, UI, etc. But keep the iconic Cataclysm spells and systems in the game! Mass summon is a fantastic spell, and I understand it was removed in MoP, but to experience Cata as it was, small things such as this guild perk spell should remain in the game

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these perks are for sure gone, and honestly dont have a place in the game. They enforce some of the worst things this game has, like spamming guild invites to farm random players who dont know better and make money off them. Cash flow is rightfully gone. same with Mass summon.

they are messing with perks, they already said they would so something about cash flow.

in the priest discord a dev advised mass rezz will be trainable by classes that can rezz aka more messed up changes from blizz.

as neat as it feels for healers to get that. It kinda take away the accomplishment of levelling your guild. Getting mass rez for everyone was an awesome reward, as was have group will travel.

And honestly old mates idea of a gold cap on cash flow kinda slaps. Set a weekly cap to it same as you get with raids/rbgs/dungeons. Make it around 500g to thematically fit with the rest

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That’s in the beta already. I’ve only played beta solo so I haven’t ‘tested’ it, but I have the spell on multiple toons.

yes but why was the change? made a perk that was for everyone is now only for classes that can rez.

Also when are they going to announce the list of stupid changes coming to cata?

Something tells me they aren’t going to announce the changes. That would require communication.

Besides, when they announce that they decided to remove a bunch of iconic perks that were here in cataclysm, they know that people are gonna be pissed off about it, so they just aren’t gonna say anything.

Worst part is, it was in the beta at the beginning, and they removed it midway through beta, without ever saying a word.

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In line with Kisama I don’t know why bc Blizz has stopped communicating.


This is what happens when streamers cry to there cult followers about something and then they run and cry on fourms. imagine if blizzard actually kept there promise on #NOCHAGES remember that. LEAVE CLASSIC alone release them in there OG state and we will be fine