Have Any Of You Ever Criticized WoW Before? (Feedback Post)

Like I’m genuinely curious.

I’m not talking about the usual forum complainer but the ones who have been here for years and have been defenders for years.

Has there ever been a point or something that Blizzard did that caused you to be upset or critic them? Vanilla-DF

20 years of WoW, what are some of the things you critcized Blizzard for in the past?

Hopefully they see this as a feedback post from long veteran players, I want to hear what could be improved with the game or rather changed.


Yeah, their DF Crafting system is an absolute joke…


I hated that we had to use flight masters to get to each zone in SL.


Wow has been roundly criticized in one way or another since vanilla. Either from the bugs to terrible stat optimization and everything between.

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Was not a big fan of the azerite borrowed power system in BFA, it felt like a rip off of legion’s artifact system.

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Yes. Mostly criticizing Dragonflight’s abundance of taking pictures of fluffy animals instead of fighting a legitimate threat, making friends with former enemies and possible killers, leaders trying to sound smart but actually being quite dumb, and the lack of mature and interesting questlines and stories.


I will never forgive them for killing high-end 10-man raiding with the forced 20-man Mythic group size.




I miss raid attunements, those quest chains made world and instanced content meaningful and gave the raid a sense of purpose.

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I am both a shill and a hater, according to replies I’ve received over the years.

I don’t particularly want to list a “greatest hits” of things that have frustrated me over the years. Although I haven’t gotten everything I’ve wished for, I feel my feedback has been heard and acted upon many times.


I was particularly cranky when Broken Isles opened up, and Pathfinder was a week or so away. The terrain on that island was just not fun on a ground mount. Having that terrain and another week of stuff to do to open up PF was just a last straw.

So, I was a bit spicy on the forums.

Other than that, not much bothers me. I don’t like everything they do, who does, but it doesn’t bother me. I just work around it and embrace all of the other bounty that the game has to offer rather than fixating and quibbling on some one thing.

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I do all the time.

Main thing lately has been the polish. We have waited months for a proper Catalyst charge counter, they launched a half finished UI that still has issues, talent and class reworks and changes that could have been tested, they broke professions extensively on mutiple occasions since revamping them, bans because they couldn’t get an Azureweave counter working then a “teehee” oops.

SL felt bad because of the gameplay and chores. DF feels bad because more than any other game combined I have to reset my UI, reinstall, and just deal with seemingly simple things launching broken.

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WoD the anti=flight expansion debacle to name one. I know of others just cant remember.

They changed there stance :slight_smile:

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The death of world pvp via phasing/sharding.

Maybe it was inevitable, but it’s still a shame.


The greatest feeling is being sharded away from guild member in a capital city.

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Yes, and I got a forum vacation for it. It was deserved though, I was out of line with how I voiced my frustrations.

I quit the game when cata came out because that expansion was trash, then i came back in BFA and then quit in Shadowlands because that expansion was even worse then cata.


Um yes, I’ve submitted all kinds of suggestions and constructive criticism over the years. Some of my feedback even made it into MOP (I was in the beta). I was the main one pointing out incorrect names (Sky Shark vs Hellscream’s Fist, Hozu vs Hozen, etc).

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Skipping an entire raid tier due to mismanagement behind the scenes in WoD, which otherwise would’ve actually been an awesome expansion IMO. I’d like to think that they learned their lesson from that, but we also know there was an entire Drust raid being set up in SL with a wrapping up of Gorak Tul’s storyline, which we never actually got to see happen.

Speaking of Shadowlands, the… uh… entire premise of that storyline.

The writing did not “subvert expectations” as pseudo-intellectual wannabe-writers seem to think is all the rage these days. It did not “culimate the last 20 years of Warcraft storytelling”, it took a gigantic dump all over everything that had been established from character motives to the nature of the cosmos, threw it all in the dumpster and proceeded to wax poetic over its own perceived superiority in cosmic fractile-based microgeometric mumbo-freaking-jumbo.

My feedback is this: just because you think you have a great idea, don’t assume you need to retcon the entirety of the story’s history in such a blatant effort to legitimize your otherwise unrelated conceptions of what passes for a compelling narrative, that it leaves everything that came before it largely devoid of individual value.

People who write “modern stories” like this for franchises with long-standing histories are better served handing me a burger in a bag from a drive-through window than they are carving the future of a globally-enjoyed narrative.


There are always things to criticize and things to praise. I do try to do both.

I felt like WoW went off the rails during MoP and screwed up what might have been an interesting expac in WoD. Then they kept doubling down on certain aspects of the changes they made, sullying every expac until we got: Shadowlands. And Shadowlands was so bad that I couldn’t play it.

So yeah, I have criticized them a lot.

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