Have alpha testers given up on warlocks?

Dude I completely understand. I always misread “FinalBossTV” as “FatbossTV” :joy:

Still though. With all these streamers, all these documented feedback that are out there like the surveys from Bellular, the document someone wrote up that FinalBossTV linked in his video (I have no idea who wrote it or if it’s even getting sent to blizz) but there is so much feedback out there for us warlocks that it’s giving me a lot of hope. Especially since blizzard has never been this active in communication before.


Forreal if even after all of this we get not even a “there are valid concerns, we are listening”



My biggest problem with blizzard right now, which I know most would agree is “I understand you’re unhappy and why, but we like it as it is”.


hi, i helped with that one along with ALOT of other warlocks from around the discord/raiding scene

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Well cool, do you know if it’s being sent to bliz or? I’m just curious what’s being done to make sure, if at all possible, that devs see it?

as far as i know it is being pushed or referenced in every channel of communication possible in one way or another. i am not at the helm of it, i just helped with some destro stuff, but im pretty confident they are doing their best to push it through the right channels.


I can only speak of myself as an alpha tester, thats not the case of giving up? it’s just the case of not having more stuff to report now, and repeating the same feedback won’t be productive.

i reported bugs i found, gave feedback on things i find important and i have some small knowledge about.

only thing i feel like i still need to give feedback on is Ardenwald and Necrolords class abilities, but i haven’t managed to play a lot with then to say “X” and “Y” about them besides the obvious (Soul Rot is weak, Decimation bolt is strong)


oh hey there you are, hi dood

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I’m really hoping one of these channels can land a dev interview where they talk a bit more in depth about the classes. Someone who has a pretty good understanding of each spec of course.

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There’s not much changing about this class. Seeing the Necrolord/Night Fae abilities has been fun though. I still think Demonology needs returned to MoP/WoD days but I’m no content creator to suggest it.


The thing is, it takes too dang long atm for me to get back into shape after a raid wipe. Rp walk back, summon a pet, summon hs, summon raid members, eat, set up gateway, set up teleport. By jaraxxus nobody has HALF the set up we do. Speed run back, eat, press their one raid buff?


Zero feedback or changes in the last 19 days, gg i guess

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if you are droppping a closet after every wipe because people are getting summoned back instead of running back themselves that is a separate issue with those people.

but agreed, we have more setup pre-pull than anyone afaik

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I’m in alpha. There’s just… not much to talk about at the moment as we’ve listed the problems with each specs (many better locks than me have done a great job) and… yeah. There hasn’t been a major alpha update in a few weeks and they’ve not really done anything with class rebalancing.

So… we know the class has problems but are waiting for something to shift at blizzards end before we can react further.


You hit the nail, I been reading all feedback and suggestions on every site, discord, YouTube possible…

We all literally all saying the same thing…the biggest question now is will Blizzard listen to the feedback??, it’s no coincidence that nearly every Lock has similar feedback.


There are other classes/specs that haven’t really received any major changes and yet there’s still people giving feedback continually.

It doesn’t matter if the issues have already been stated. If people stop pushing their feedback (aside from the handful who have direct contact that nobody else can see), we’ll go into SL just as we are.

If the problem is lack of people testing warlocks compared to other classes, they need to target alpha invites for people currently playing warlocks on live to increase the pool of testers for more feedback.

It’s just so sad to see warlock feedback go silent, while every other class has regular (ALPHA FORUM) activity.

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I feel like a lot of the feedback elsewhere should be copy and pasted onto the alpha warlock forums as well… just to spread it as much as possible. Idk how much that would help but yeah.

Twenty-five days.

Don’t tell me the alpha warlock community hasn’t give up. Every other class thread is active almost daily, with all the posters basically repeating the same feedback. It doesn’t matter how often it’s being said, feedback needs to be pushed continuously or it will be assumed that the larger portion of the community is satisfied.

That’s great that ‘some’ alpha testers have back door access and can communicate directly with the devs to provide feedback, but what good does it do when NOBODY ELSE can see it? The whole point of alpha is to test it and give feedback, especially on the forums designed for players to provide feedback while testing… our concerns on the live forums aren’t as valid because we aren’t actually testing anything. We’re giving feedback based on videos we watch.

Literally, almost a month with zero activity on the warlock alpha forum. Shame. :expressionless:


And now Shadowlands

Four expansions of being ignored and allowing Warlock to be trash despite tons of feedback.

Warlocks, masters of soulbreaking, got their soul broken by Blizzard Devs.


^ That

  • K