Haunted Memento Gone

I have had a hell of a problem with the Haunted Memento disappearing from my bags. I originally got a few back for the wrath pre-patch event and mailed one to my DK when they were available. That one disappeared into the aether. I recently noticed the one on my hunter disappeared, so after much frustration and anger I decided to shell out for one off the AH. That one is now also gone. Is there some magical reason I have been losing these?

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Mine has disappeared as well. Had the memento in my bag before The War Within and now it has gone. I have a spare in my bank but not willing to put that in my bag incase that one vanishes as well.

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Mine also disappeared; I think it’s related to either the level boost or the equipment upgrade. Please help us out and replace these amazingly unique items. I know for sure that I had one on my warrior and a second on my hunter.

Did you have any luck getting it restored? Mine is gone too and nothing shows in item restoration.

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They told me that they couldn’t restore them through the GM service but to put it on the support forums and that the devs would look into it. I guess its something that they are seeing an uptick of recently.

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I also put in a ticket that I’m refusing to mark as resolved… they basically just said we’re not seeing it in your bags please post on the forums to make the devs aware. Even if the devs are aware I don’t think they’re going to come up with a fix to retroactively restore them so they’ll need to be restored manually. Sucks because its not something that’s easily replaced now that they sell for over 1M.

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Second response to ticket was that they can’t fix a mechanic issue… this is not a mechanic issue, this is an item that disappeared without being sold or destroyed.

Got another response today saying they aren’t seeing any bug reports and suggest I create a thread, despite me including this thread in the case. The last GM at least acknowledged seeing some bug reports on the issue.

Mine to has disappeared! I would like to know if anyone has had any luck getting it restored?

For what it’s worth, I had four of them and lost three. The three I lost were all on characters I had played recently but neither have ever used a boost or gear upgrade. One of those characters definitely had the Haunted Memento like ~2 months ago, so them disappearing is recent.

The one character that retained the Haunted Memento for me was a character I haven’t played in a very long time (months but probably years). I did not use the gear upgrade on her when I logged in to check.

(I actually never use the gear upgrade option ever because it clears your bars and makes me crazy)