Hated DR, Don't force it in War Within!

I haven’t tried but I have seen people switch I assume it’s in the spellbook somewhere.

There were people complaining about the long cast time to switch as well.

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Thank you, first helpful post.


So use the option to change it back. Unless that button only works for mounts, in which case this beta feedback is a great option.


Eventually, whenever you can get the campaign done.

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Why don’t you look? Climbing a mountain ain’t hard.


If you’re running out of vigor flying up mountains you need to watch some videos on dragonriding because that would only happen if you didn’t know what you were doing. You can very easily and quickly hit the top of any skybox or mountain with dragonriding, even the highest peaks in dragon isles should be zero issue.

They did add a toggle for people with accessibility problems to use the old flying, including flight form. Old flying is locked behind finishing the campaign though, so you might have to finish to test this out? In the previews this button was in the mount menu along the top.


The ability to switch is in the mount tab. It is with the skyriding talents in the dropdown.


I can do dragonriding just fine, but I don’t like using it all the time or being forced to use it when I don’t want to. Dragonriding, in and of itself, is fine to have; lots of people love it and that’s great.

The problem is Blizz continues to insist on gating regular flying for absolutely no reason. Unlocking both types at the same time is an easy win - they should take it.

If we have to complete the campaign to unlock regular flying, then we should also have to complete it to unlock dragonriding. OR if dragonriding is unlocked immediately then regular flying should be as well. Flying is a travel mode and they’re both flying - treat them the same.


Then don’t use it.


I don’t know.

Given how they keep introducing stuff and then leave it on the floor or change their focus midstream, I often feel like Blizzard lacks an actual vision and is more ‘throw it at the wall and see if it sticks’.

Unfortunately, I also feel like they are bound and determined to make certain things stick, regardless if the change is needful or not.

I really wish they would make more things flatout optional.

I tried Dragonriding for the first time a few days ago on my own account and, after screwing around with it for a bit, I can see why people like it.

But me, not so much, and would also like a button to disable it.

But I would also like the option to press the button again and enable it for if I am ever in the mood to screw around with it further :grin: .


In the new zones, you won’t have the option to swap until you reach max level and explore everything, I believe. But older zones should allow the swap, and it should affect flight form.

This I can agree with, however. The restricting it makes little sense. This is one of those features that has garnered near universal praise from players so I suppose they’re just doubling down on it, but the restrictions to old flying shouldn’t be there.


Skill issue? You can indefinitely climb altitude and never run out. The only time you run out is when you land a lot for node farming and stuff. And its fast to get back


so its a skill issue then --learn how to DR .


There is an ability that gives 3 (I think) charges of vigor so you can refill it during flight. I believe it was added later so may be in the last row. I’m at work so I can’t check. I believe it’s called second wind.


So forever since vigor is infinite

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Considering dragonriding was overwhelmingly popular with the playerbase, you’re definitely in the extreme minority. If you want to use the old flying you can once you meet the requirements.

Blizz listening to ideas is how it got to some very bad places historically. They listen but their selection process of what they listen to is iffy and needs work lol.

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To be fair, for Druid flight form there really should be two versions, not a toggle. One of the benefits is going from dragon riding into the static flight form option mid-air. Which I assume now won’t be possible? Put it as a bug, make it macro-able, or two spells, or something, but one where the flight form is DR (or switchable) and one where it’s purposely always static flying.


Its looking to me there is a major knowledge disconnect on how dragonriding is supposed to operate. If you run out of vigor mid-flight, you’re doing something wrong. Even when you’re almost to the point of spamming the abilities.

Answer me this: do you have the talent ‘At Home Aloft’ unlocked?


I’m not personally a huge fan of the legacy button switch. For the last few months I’ve bound one mount to classic flying and one mount to DragonRiding and I’ll just use whatever (usually DR). But it was very handy to select the other mode at times, maybe Superblooms. Or maybe for some very close herb nodes I’ll use old flying.

With a 5 second delay to switch I’ll prioritize the Dragonriding mount and not complain, but I’m not really happy I’ll be nearly losing the old flying which I use sometimes as well.

C’est la vie.

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