A lot of characters feel empty and annoying. I really only like Anduin’s story currently. Alleria and Khadgar are ok but I hope their story gets better.
Jaina however is way past her death date. She pretends she is of great moral character but causes so much trouble. Her BFA story was good but I couldn’t care about her struggles because of how she treated the sunreavers previously. She seems to arrogantly walk into any situation she is in and demands things be done her way or she gets pissy or even murderous.
I was hoping it would be her end when she was a raid boss, or at least her and others to realize how far she had gone, but instead she is still going around freely, sticking her nose into everything, bossing people around and no one seems to care.
Thrall gets on my nerves as well for the same reasons. He has caused so much trouble but still pushes his way into others business, acting like he is so morally good and a strong leader, when he should have retired and taken a position in the background as someone trying to right his wrongs from his failed leadership.
Most of the NPCs that people call out are because their story arcs are boring, cringe or overdone.
Anduin - has been a whiny cry baby since MoP. Your dad literally saved the world. Man up or take a hike and let someone else lead the alliance.
Jaina - She’s a carbon copy of Elsa since BFA. Just let it go already.
Sylvanus/Alleria - Her story arc went from epic to cringe and now that she’s gone they just shoehorn Alleria into her spot as the smexy, tormented hero. Been there done that.
Brann - One dimensional toon that screams at you if you stand in spiderwebs. "They summon NneRuBiaNns!!! ". STHU Brann!
Baine - Useless, barely there leader. Has been the butt of jokes forever. He’s been captured or defeated so many times. Like what are you even doing Baine? Get bent and let someone else take the reins or yoke or whatever Tauren wear.
So yea, most NPCs that are on a wish list are there for a good reason.
Can we put her on the list twice? I hated her with a passion. Most of the explorers are lame. They have no motivation other than, let’s find treasure.
I might be an outlier but I also hate Dagran. Is he a five year old? Why is he always surprised about everything. Did he take the place of the player character? Is he supposed to be some kind of moral compass/exposition machine?
I think it might be refreshing to have an entire expansion where main NPCs like the faction leaders take a vacation (or are incapacitated or whatever) and it’s up to us and some random/lesser NPCs (like every expansion introduces new NPCs for the new zones) to do whatever needs to be done. I get that they have this lense where the story is essentially told through NPCs like Jaina, Thrall, Anduin, and so on, but are they really necessary? Would it help the story or hinder it? Just one expansion as an experiment and then players don’t have to get angry about reporting to an NPC from the other faction or annoyed by whatever NPC that they can’t stand.
All 3 of them are the same character in a trench coat. You have the emo,goth and pickme girl archetypes of a bow elf lady that loves humans. How riveting.
I just really want Faerin to go away forever. I don’t want her to die, that might give her credibility. I just want her to fall in a hole and be completely forgotten about. Absolutely horrid character, and endlessly annoying with prattling on about how wonderful Beldar is. One of the worst Mary Sues they’ve ever put into the game, if not THE worst. I really wish I could put NPCs on mute.
Nathanos was better off as an NPC with some mean dogs in the Plaguelands, who terrorized Alliance players questing in that area that got too close, and gave quests to Horde characters. They ruined that entire character. He used to be kinda cool, now he’s just garbage, but at least he’s dead so whatever.
Did the same thing with Sylvanas. She was always pretty evil, sure, but also tragic – she was a perfect icon for the whole struggle of the Forsaken. She stayed in UC, but she had some pretty solid (for early WoW) questlines that were memorable, especially the one where she sang her lament (think it was WOTLK questline, but can’t remember specifically).
Dante Alighieri is considered the Father of the Italian Language. He wrote a epic called the Divine Comedy which is considered one of the great works of literature.
In the story Dante is taken on a tour through the Inferno (hell) and Purgatory by his guide Virgil, the poet who wrote the Aeneid, and then to Paradise by Beatrice who is the symbol of a saintly person. The story provides great detail of the three afterlife locations and is the model used by most Abrahamic religions for the afterlife.
If that type of sort of story is not your cup of tea, then that’s fine. It doesn’t mean it’s a bad story, we each have genres that we like or don’t like.
If you can find the time, go read a translation of Inferno. I like Dorothy Sayers’ translation, but feel free to go for whatever you can get for cheap.
The other two bits of the Divine Comedy — Purgatorio and Paradisio — are considerably harder sledding. I skimmed them for a literature course back in college but never cared enough to give either a re-read.
Oh yeah, and the dude had so much leisure time to write because he ended up on the losing end of one of Renaissance Italy’s many political pissing matches. So he wrote a lot of Inferno as a take that for people what had done him dirt. In the same vein, Machiavelli wrote The Prince as a “how not to suck at this” guide for Cesare Borgia, if I’m remembering right. (Also recommended.)
I once heard of the Divine Comedy described as Renaissance fan fic, with the protagonist being besties with his literary hero Virgil and throwing shade on people he didn’t like. Including a Pope who wasn’t dead yet at the time. Entertaining, if you go in for that sort of thing.
Anduin. He’s the reason I switched to Horde (and don’t get me wrong, the Horde has its crybabies too)
I see him as a disgrace to his father’s legacy and completely incompetenent. As the High King, it is your duty—whether you like it or not—to put your own feelings and emotions second. Your people need a monolith, they need a stoic and stalwart leader. They need someone who shows them that no matter what’s going on in his personal life: he’ll persevere.
Anduin abandoned his people because he wanted to “take a break and search his feelings.” He betrayed his entire kingdom by being a whiny little brat and I have absolutely no sympathy for him.
He did. I believe the older definition of the word “comedy” was a story that had an uplifting or happy ending as opposed to a tragedy where the main characters generally ended up dead.
In Dante’s Devine Comedy he starts out in the Inferno and ends up in Paradise which most see as an improvement.