Hated characters and why?

I feel it generally comes down to either:

  • Feeling like the characters take up too much room, hogging too many story elements and narrative potential from other characters to shine — such as is generally felt amongst players with Alleria.
  • Come across ruinous to a theme or aesthetic that they’re inserted within — such as is generally felt amongst players with Calia.
  • Disliking them simply because they’re kind of a Mary Sue — such as is generally felt amongst players with Turalyon.
  • Or simply being irritated that they’re a super-powerful unmatched character that rather over-shadows others of the same class and is generally forgiven unapologetically in the story regardless of past deeds — Such as is generally felt amongst players with Jaina.

Now for the record, I don’t agree with ALL of the above – but that’s simply what I’ve observed from masses of the playerbase. :person_shrugging:

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Their afterlives are better? How? What specifically is better about Tolkien’s afterlife which is a bit vague or Dante’s which is just a bunch of rings of nonsense. At least in WoW’s afterlife there are issues and conflict that the Champions have to address.

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this is an opinion that unfortuanely isn’t very widely shared. many people think the storytelling is pretty bad and that’s one of the reason people want some of these characters killed off. please don’t push your silly little opinions as fact like that it’s incredibely toxic and coutner productive. :slight_smile:

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When I bother to give my opinion, it always aligns with facts.

Isn’t that cool


It will be great to see him go, finally.


Sooner the better.


First, no idea who Dante is…

Second, less is more… I don’t need incredible detail, conflict and strife in the afterlife. Middle Earth’s afterlife is vague with no real detail… that’s more than enough for me. Adding a dreadful story to push an ‘afterlife storyline’ isn’t something I’ll ever care about.

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Not to mention Shadowlands is an incredibly nihilistic realm, whereas Tolkien’s isn’t.


He’s literally a Human Male Paladin and he’s like a zealot type so that makes him even worse, add in Alleria’s annoyingness and it’s just like both just really need to go away forever.

In her case it’s just her annoyingness and the fact she’s a Void Elf that makes me hate her.

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Varian Wrynn would like a word. Or did they manage to bring him back? Skipped Mop through DF. Did see the cutscene where Wrynn heroically sacrificed himself to save his men. Was pretty dark.

Perfectly summed up.

and my stance doesn’t change.

Vol’jin and Cairne as well, in a span of… 20 years? There is little to NO fear of losing any characters. We go into every situation knowing there will be some non-sense struggle then we find some type of power boost, mcguffen or make friends to beat the enemy while we have zero fear of actually losing anyone. Legion is almost 9 years old, no one that matters dies in this game, we need meaningful deaths.


I was disheartened to find out about Ysera. But I take your point. I thought Khadgar had bought the farm, but he managed to survive by way of mcguffin.

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Tyrande and Malfurion, all because of that dumb Val’sharah quest chain. I still hear “Tyrande I NEEEEED you” to this day.

Oh and Toddy Whiskers. Just annoying in general.


It’s not “whataboutism” (itself a term that no serious academic debating environment would recognize) to point out that Jaina’s actions were in response to the Horde abusing Sunreaver neutrality.

She was betrayed. After sticking up for the Horde for years. And despite Horde players’ denial, no, she didn’t just immediately torch everyone. Only those who fought back.

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i hated nathanos with a burning passion and im sad hes gone because it was FUN to hate him.


the World Of Warcraft Official Forums, General Discussion Subforum is not a “serious academic debating enviroment.”

like, what are even doing.

Yes, I get it. Jaina can never be criticized for anything ever because Theramore was destroyed. I got it. I understand.

if I say “Jaina is not an interesting character” you will say “but the Horde destroyed Theramore” and that’s the end of the discussion. I got it.

Moving on.


I can’t stand Jaina because she’s a combination of flat two dimensional mary sue and “oh hero I need help rescue me” with a side of “we forgot she sank thousands of her own people and exploded an alliance city just to show solidarity with the horde” topped with “omg she’s so powerful” but can get bonked on the head and knocked out.

Basically she has zero personality and no consistency.


Alexstrasza should have in Dragonflight.

In what way can Thralls puny axe throw stop Fyrakk from beheading her? Friendship bs.

I’d miss the dragon mummy, but whats the point in the villain if they’re only good at looking mean?


but the Horde destroyed Theramore so none of that matters.

So nevermind I guess. :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: