According to you a fascist murderer is masculine.
I hated my Zandalari Troll. Every time I clicked on her and looked at her face, I cringed. She made it to max in BfA somehow. I fixed the problem by deleting her.
I don’t want to kill Jaina, just felt she should have been punished for doing what other characters were punished for. She AND Sylvanas should have been in the Maw.
Calia they could just throw out. Would never miss her. Don’t like that she was forced on the Horde.
Don’t really have any hate for Alleria.
Faerin. Just… bland and boring. Not that many other characters have exactly been bulwarks of good writing, but, she stands out in particular to me. Most of her lines come off as really corny and forced, and I find it hard to ignore, lmao.
I don’t want any more of the main character NPCs to be done away with.
I do, however, dislike some of the story decisions made for several of them to the degree that I am no longer interested in that character’s success (which is a failure of storytelling IF a large enough portion of the audience feels that way).
Jaina has been maniacally evil and then turns around to be hypocritically judgmental later on. It’s miles away from the stalwart and loyal woman who had to choose whether or not to support Arthas when he broke bad back in WCIII.
Alleria has an inflated sense of her personal strength and has made the same kind of mistake too many times when in a temper. It got tiresome, and people got sick of hearing it. I actually like how they had her openly realize and admit to this fault in TWW. I hope to find her interesting again, now.
Unfortunately, the writing of WoW’s women characters follows a very predictable Daenerys Season 8 path. Every single one of them has a “got angry and went absolutely bonkers crazy evil” storyline. Every. Single. One.
Jaina: got angry and very nearly nuked Orgrimmar.
Sylvanas: was always angry and betrayed her own people and everything she ever stood for with the Jailer.
Tyrande: got angry and became a tiresome and ineffective lunatic obsessed with revenge, refusing the advice and assistance of everyone around her.
Yrel: got angry and became a genocidal religious fanatic the Spanish Inquisition would have been proud of.
We get it (“we” being female WoW players). Women with power of any sort will go nuclear and absolutely insane. Got it. Noted. Wrote it down and watched four sequels.
Now…can we PLEASE tell a different story? This one has gotten super boring and we’re sick of seeing it.
I mean, that’s an incredibly broad question. You’re not going to receive just one answer.
Because WoW’s writing is not particularly deep, it’s mostly just going to boil down to “I don’t like 'em” which isn’t conducive to discussion at all.
True, but for me, the issue has never been that I didn’t like the characters in question. The problem for me has been that I did like them and then the writing made them do things that were wildly out of character to drive the narrative on a raid tier or something and they never got redeemed afterward (or they were made irredeemable).
Edited to add: For example, I used to love the Tyrande & Malfurion story. I liked her.
Her story was really great, and you could totally believe that this girl and two brothers grew up together, became adults in a time of great strife and violence together, and then grew together (and apart) in their different ways. It had story arcs. It was interesting. We wanted to know what would happen with Illidan and his brother. We wanted to see some evidence of this great affection between Tyrande and Malfurion that lasted for millennia and what was so impressive about this woman that both brothers were so devoted to her.
and what we got was some really clunky cut scenes and one of the most meme-ably ridiculous questlines in Legion.
It was awful. Pair that with Tyrande’s 3-expansion tantrum, and well…I just don’t care what happens to any of them anymore.
Yeah um…do people just forget that Zandalar as a whole was hated by everybody prior to BFA? It wasn’t just the Blood Trolls wanting to snuff them out, if the Horde weren’t SO DESPERATE that they needed a foil to Kul’tiras’ fleet… they too woulda been murdering the Zandalari from Rastakhan to most of it’s citizenry.
Because the Zandalari lead TWO world domination bids, the first of which was directed at Horde and Alliance in MoP. Another funny thing is, them saying they don’t deal in slavery, then hosting and fighting alongside the Mogu who enslave their own ancestors and are the biggest users of living slaves in Azeroth’s history…
BFA was a ton of just shoehorned in alliances and conflicts for the sake of it.
I hate the Alextraza more than any characters like Alleria, Turalyon and Jaina.
I hope they get rid of her in a boss fight where Azeroth cries for aid. SO much talk about family and love and all these gushie feelings, feels more like a My little pony character than a WoW character.
I dont understand why people want to kill/hate fictional characters , i think they might need sociopath test lol
Pretty much all of them. The only good ones have been killed off. All by design. But Jaina and Alleria are definitely at the top of my list.
The only thing that really makes me hate a character is their voice.
I’ve refused followers in Legion (especially Druid) Order Halls and avoided WQs in BfA because of them.
That’s because the writers for this game have about as much talent as Tommy Wiseau
Malfurion should of been the first on your list of characters people want dead lol
I don’t know if this was the writer’s intent, but if it was, they did a good job of it.
My orc warrior wanted to put her fist through his arrogant, condescending mouth every time he opened it.
I was hoping I could find him in the Maw so I could kill him again.
“That which lives is destined to die, love leads to loss. Every beginning has an end”
Having no meaningful characters die at all sucks. It’s like blizz is too afraid of killing off characters because they don’t know how to write good new ones. Look at Varian Wrynn. He was a good character and good king. everyone remembers how he died, and remembers him fondly.
I don’t like Jaina because nothing she ever does can ever be criticized. anytime anyone criticizes Jaina in any way, the default response is “but what about the Horde” if you actually try to keep the conversation on Jaina, you just get spammed with “but what about the Horde” by Alliance mains until you just give up on the conversation.
I don’t like Garrosh because he was a mustache-twirling buffoon and was always a mustache twirling buffoon ever since the moment that Thrall told him his daddy killed Mannoroth. and now he is a meme for edgelords to fawn over when they are doing Forum RP trolling.
I don’t like Malfurion because he is the single most overrated character in the game. He is written to be this super ultra extra ridiculous level powered character, but all he ever does in WoW is sleep and get captured.
I don’t like Nathanos because he was both an a-hole with no actual right to be one, and a self-insert for a raging Sylvanas simp. (allegedly)
I don’t like Tyrande because nearly every interaction any of my characters both Alliance and Horde side have had with her, she has been an obnoxiously rude brat to them.
those are my major dislikes among primary characters.
That was never anything more than people taking a silly tweet of Danuser’s and going crazy with conspiracy theories because everyone wanted an explanation for why BFA and SL were as bad as they were, and why Sylvanas wasn’t immediately being raked over the coals.