Hated characters and why?

I dislike Baine.

Most worthless character in the game.


Let’s start by killing off the bronze dragon flight so they can’t “fix” timelines when things go wrong.

I want a Chromie head to place above the fireplace when we get housing. Gnome or dragon version. Doesn’t matter.


I don’t like turalyon or trust him for the same reason my Scalecommander, Azurathel does not. He’s a zealot and zealots can never be trusted.

Ask Zidormi to change phases for you and Theremore becomes a smoking crater.

When has he been a zealot? I don’t remember him being fanatical. I don’t remember him trying to force the light on everyone like Yrel.

I hate Jaina, because she got away with murder literally by purging blood elves in Dalaran.

The Alliance just pretended it didn’t happen, and Silver Covenant Joined in killing their own kin without a second thought.

It’s ok to mass murder Horde and not Alliance.


But it was the Horde that destroyed Theramore killing many of her people. Jaina had every right to be pissed off.

To kill casualties who were unarmed and those who were never involved too?

She acted as a Garrosh 2.0 and became the thing she hated most.


all of the main characters were whittled down to be as bland and inoffensive as possible :yawning_face:


Personally I just hate Khadgar… he frequently cheapens our accomplishments when he shows up. Every time he plays a part in the story its made out to be that we couldn’t have possibly done anything without him…

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They’re basically all just the same personality in a different skin at this stage. Difference = exclusionary = bad.

Look no further than Anduall. Or Thrallduin. Whatever the name of the perpetually wounded and always trying to woo their powers back to them person is.

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This, so much.


The Blood Elves literally murdered Jaina’s people. It’s an eye for an eye.

They are just unlikable and poorly written. To make it worse, Blizzard keeps pushing them on us.

I like the Horde vs Alliance war. I guess I still have that zeal I started out with on a pvp server where we battled it out with the Alliance (even my in real life friends) on a daily basis. And Alliance npcs were sworn enemies.
So, I kinda don’t like any Alliance leaders or their allies.


The only problem I have with Calia is the fact that basically her entire story is locked behind a novel… would it have killed them to just make a few quests that give us some in game insight into what happened.


Well, Grand Marshal Garithos kind of screwed them over during WC3 … eye for an eye makes …

I had hoped that Garrosh would return someday…

I guess he was just too masculine for this generation :joy:

RIP Garrosh…

He was the last true war chief.

It’s basically the same reason they killed Varian, the best the alliance ever had.


Some folks are just demented. Unless the story calls for it, a character has no justifiable reason for dying. That said, I feel like Xal’atath is going to kill Turalyon, and piss off Alleria, and then she will sacrifice herself bringing down Xal’atath. We need Turalyon gone as the Steward to force Anduin and Faerin into the SW keep to rule the Alliance.

Man Jaina really shouldn’t of broke the peace agreement then eh?

We’d still have a Theramore if she didn’t green light bringing alliance military into kalimdor through it