Hated characters and why?

It’s over because you can’t come up with any evidence at all as to how the millions of people who play this game feel about Shadowlands. You only know what the few percent who use the forums feel about it.

More delusion I see…

It’s over because you’re in an extreme minority and refuse to address reality while blaming youtubers, streamers, the forums, twitch and everyone else… instead of looking at who is really to blame for the failure of your favorite expansion. That’s the FACTS, but do go ahead and continue to make yourself look the fool.

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You have no evidence of a majority. In fact most people kept playing which makes your claim of a majority rather empty.

You keep telling yourself that big guy.

Those player numbers and panned reviews tell everyone, everything they need to know.

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Yukon, you’ve stumbled into one of the Classic Blunders! The first is never start a land war in Asia, but more importantly never engage with Tiffany when the Shadowlands are on the line!

Ah hah hah hah hah, ha ha ha ha!


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A princess bride reference? Respect.

Lol, I’ve dealt with them in the past, it’s always rather entertaining to watch their absurd delusions completely poor out.

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The devs themselves gave a presentation on why Shadowlands failed with their playerbase.

They didn’t do that because the majority of their playerbase loved it.

You liked it. That’s cool. And you’re not alone.
It also places you in the minority.

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I hate Genn because he is so unbelievably one dimensional.

I don’t remember when he was first introduced as a “main” character, actually used on a regular basis in the current lore (was it Cata?), but in EVERY.SINGLE.THING he has ever been in, his only remark is some iteration of yelling “SYLLLLLVANAS!!!” at the clouds.

There is a not a more outstanding example of bad writing than Genn.

Maybe it’s a metaphor for how bad everything else is being Alliance? Maybe it’s some 4D chess move about how leaders ignore personal sacrifices (even from their own son’s) to drearily carry on their own vendettas? For no reason? At the expense of all the rest of their people? I mean… ya got me, if that’s the case.

Nah… he’s just stupid.

F Genn

Only character I’ve ever wanted killed off was Sylvanas, and it’s not even because of her character.

It’s because of the terrible story writers who butchered her. They ruined everything she was and then didn’t even have a good story arc to justify it.

Now she’s in the maw (aka on the shelf) until they figure out how to bring her back without it being terrible

(Spoiler: There is no way to bring her back without it being cringe and terrible)

She should’ve just died the villain, maybe had a moment of realization right at the end, but accepted her fate knowing there was nothing she could do to justify her actions

(Also how the hell did she honestly think the Jailer wouldn’t make her serve along with everyone else? Not only did they write her terribly, but they made her stupid too)

Ugh :expressionless:

Faerin & Brinthe.

I don’t hate the old characters I just hate how the new ppl wrote them. It was the dumb.

As far as the new ones, I’m really sick of gurl powa and the writing.

We :clap: need :clap: testosterone back.

My collection of Sci Fi Original movies is inclined to agree with you. That said, when talking about SL, there isn’t anything that stands out as particularly bad to me. I mean… at least not in comparison with Blizzard’s usual writing.

It’s all very by the numbers in a lot of it’s plot points, but a lot of high fantasy is and I’m frankly okay with that. I tend to like the old tropes.

But even then, like you said, it’s all subjective. Just because I think the writing lives up to the standards set previously doesn’t mean that anyone else should.

I really don’t like this Helgo guy and I hope he loses his car keys.

According to one source I can see on the internet the number of subscriptions for WoW dropped to 4.07 million for BfA then it was 4.5 million for Shadowlands. If that is true, there was a slight increase for Shadowlands. Now estimates put it around 7 million.

So 4.5 million is NOT below half of 7 million which means a majority of players stayed and kept playing. That pretty much ends your claim that a majority of players left.

4.5M is still nothing compared to current numbers, plus some of the worst player retention, again there are reasons the expansion was an L… now can you explain why it’s almost exclusively remembered negatively. Keep on pressing, reality isn’t gonna change because you don’t like it.

Yes but 4.5 million means a majority of people stayed, they didn’t leave. As to why it is remembered negatively the question is by whom? No question there is an “echo chamber” of people in the forums telling each other over and over how much they hated the release.

So is that a thousand, two thousand? One thing for sure, we are not hearing from millions of players. It would take years to read through that many forum notes.


Lowest player retention means nothing I guess? Lol. Reality really is too much for you.

I’m over your delusion, any last words of cope before I silence this thread? I’m tired of beating a dead horse with a stick…

I could be mistaken but I seem to recall Tiffany has a history of sealioning.