Hate blood elves want high elves?

that doesnt change what their race is

how about i name an NPC that says the modern ‘queldorei’ are a complete joke and unworthy of the name

In the game, as well as in the lore, they are clearly represented as 2 different groups. And when you roll a Blood Elf, you’re not rolling as the race as a whole, but only a group out of that race.

See, you’re only proving to me that Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei are represented as the 2 different groups.

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Be you blood eleves. :facepunch:

are the 2 groups equal in what they represent and bring to the game

No. Because it goes more than just political. High Elves are clearly shown to be part of the Alliance, and continue to be apart of the Alliance, where Blood Elves are more of with the Horde.


so why are you acting like they are then

Hmm so I should probably make my priest have golden eyes :joy:
Why do you think they give the option for both?
Oh and do lightforged only get golden eyes or more than one eye color?
I haven’t ever played one…

So you can be you. :slight_smile:

Anti HE people are like the only group adamant in calling themselves by a name they already changed.

“High Elves” wasn’t even the name of their race, that’s what just their transliteration in common. They were Quel’dorei, since they looked like night elves and til they changed the name of their people to Sin’dorei.


Also why do high elves have blue eyes then?
Sunwell- golden
Blue- ???

If your priest is devoted to the light indeed, the most likely is they would have golden eyes, but it’s up to you.

Lightforged only get golden eyes, seem they are ALL about the light.


Oh No dont say the Q word LOL, opens a whole new can of worms haha.

Why are you continu’ing on actually like Blood Elves are still High Elves when Kael’thas Sunstrider proclaims that Blood Elves are no longer High Elves?

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because blood elves ARE high elves. thats a statement of fact and we all know damn well kael was being metaphorical :woman_shrugging:

trying to present a dishonest argument like this just makes the pro position look desperate

Oh I see got it!
Thanks for telling me!
I’ll go make my holy priest have golden eyes then lol!
I wonder why holy priests/palidans have the option for fel eyes too…
Maybe because your a belf but you don’t get to pick your spec at start?
Well I mean that goes more for priests, no matter what spec you play as a pally you are for the light.

And yet, to this day, you don’t see any Blood Elves getting called High Elf or Quel’dorei.


I also get the impression that while the name change represents a cultural and personality shift, as well as retaining their legacy through honoring their fallen but I do not think a BE would like being called a High Elf… to call oneself a HE would mean you did not help Quel’thalas in their time of need nor did you honor the sacrifices of those who fell, nor did you help your people.

Both Elves are very much their respective faction in culture, personality/ being a fit for the faction. And yet only one is playable which is a sad state of affairs.

The Alliance HE’s would add a lot to the faction divide with giving a better feud then imo the BE vs NE feud, and is probably only on par with the Nightborne vs NE feud (which is a continuation of a Highborne vs Night Elf narrative imo)

I mean the whole argument about Blood Elves trying to “reclaim” High Elf as their name is just hilarious since it’s just literally the transliteration -in common- of how their people called themselves as Kaldorei -Night Elves-

“We just have so much pride in the common tongue version of our people’s name, we can’t let that go” It’s so silly.

You were Quel’dorei and changed it to Sin’dorei, that’s it. It can’t be anymore transparent a “I am not using it but I don’t want you to use it either” if they actually said it lol.


Are blue eyes just helfs natural eyes?
And the green and golden ones are because they were infused with something?