Hate blood elves want high elves?

Thanks, Lor. :slight_smile:

Yes I have but you refuse to acknowledge it.
Yes, and they are still the same race.

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Sorry, they are not the same thing. I know you fail to understand it.

I’m sorry you fail to understand they are the same race

Orctang, no point explaining anything to her. Best to just ignore her before she gets your pants into a twist.

I don’t know, nor I care. I just know I want to play a High Elf for the lore, I really don’t care if High elves become popular. What I am saying is that I doubt their potential popularity would affect the BE population.

Cause they are pretty, but people don’t like them cause the lore is crap. That’s pretty much it.

Still, how popular would High Elves be if VE’s area already popular?

“High Elves” are not, in any conceivable form something that would “detract” from the Alliance, considering that, lorewise, they have been there since the second war. The point is that High Elves have never been horde.

If this is simply a model aesthetic issue, how would sharing* a model with a horde race detract from the alliance? Pandaren already do that. One would assume if High Elves end in such position, the horde would get something equivalent. I don’t get the “detract” at all, from a lore nor aesthetic perspective.

*besides, a lot of people thing the HE model could be different for differentiation’s sake.


Could say the same thing about you

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So you are saying Blood Elves can be created on the Alliance? Same race right???

they are affiliated with the horde not alliance

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The point that you are denying is that while HE and BE are biologically the same, they are different groups, with different politics and ideologies.


Ok, I see now you see something different. Weird sometimes you do sometimes you don’t only when it fits your agenda.

I’ve said that many times. I’m not denying it

Then why are you failing to understand this?

That they are not the same thing (ideology/politics) doesn’t mean they are not the same race.


Jumping Jesus on a Pogo Stick:

  1. Blood Elves and High Elves are both the same race - they are Thalassian Elves
  2. Blood Elves and High Elves have political and philosophical differences
  3. Blood Elves are playable and present as NPCs for the Horde
  4. High Elves are present only as NPCs on the Alliance and are not playable.
  5. The Pro-High Elf ask is that High Elves be made playable on the Alliance - therefore asking for different sociopolitical groups of the same race to be playable in both factions.

Those are the unalterable facts, arguing any of them is pointless. Reasons have been, and will be presented by those in favor of this ask and those opposed to them.

Can we maybe start there?


You obviously aren’t read up on me and his arguments.
He is saying they aren’t the same race.
I’ve stated multiple times, they are the same race with different political views.
I’m not failing to understand anything here.

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High Elves have a unique problem though. Humans can only be created on the Alliance, but at least there are multiple human kingdoms. I’d support Horde humans if they were from the Syndicate/Defias or something, but I would not support humans of Stormwind being playable on the Horde

High/Blood Elves all come from the same background. A majority of them are on the Horde, but they have a history with the Alliance. It’s also true that there are still some High Elves still with the Alliance

So while they’re the same race, there’s still a difference. That’s how I see it, anyway

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And I find myself in unequivocal agreement with you Murg.


Which I agree with. I dont think a population rebalancing argument can be made with high elves.

That really depends, and I brought this up previously.

Do high elves straight out kill void elves?
Do high elves and void elves just reduce each others potential reducing both playerbase sizes?
Do high elves never grow because of void elf dominance?

Theres a lot more damage that could happen to the Alliance.

Which is why I dont make a lore argument.

Thats my main issue, especially with how the allied system has improved and how different the void elves were made.

And Pandaren also are the least played core race on both factions, because the faction identity seperates them. They arent justification for anything other than why neutral races do not work if you dont develop their roles in the factions.

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Void Elves came from the same background too so you don’t support them? It is the same problem you mention with High Elves.