Hate blood elves want high elves?

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Every-time I hear I want High Elves I think of a bunch Elves hanging out with tons of junk food, saying: “Cmon maynnnn puff puff passss, ya always bogartin’ stop that crap”


Like that?

Accurate depiction of night elves and dreamleaf

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I don’t think thats fair
 Sara is a peacekeeper if anything, who tries in friendly manners to discuss the lore, a little passionate but not ill intended what so ever

As stated by famous quarterback and choker Kirk Cousins:

"I got three words for you: Ya like that?!"

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opens the dictionary

No, I really think our education system is in the trash


Which means it’s time once again for


Yet isn’t it funny how often she seems to be involved in arguments?

Proper coincidental like that is, guv. :thinking:

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Yeah right, all she’s done is be nit-picky and passive aggressive to anyone she doesn’t agree with


Its just a coincidence! No connections here!

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Link one post of mine where I have been passively agressive.

Thats bait. Lets make sure this is back to ease


Liking posts meant to bully and exclude people is pretty passive aggressive.

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Can you post the that’s bait gif

Let it end

I seem to find myself surrounded by these predicaments by the Anti community

Or as the old saying goes, “I’m surrounded by idiots.”

I have to say I stand unequivocally with what I originally said, Sara is a peacekeeper, and kind, passionate about this topic yes but I do not think that is a fair thing to say

Lol :joy::joy::joy:
continues to attack anyone she disagrees with
I’m sorry but this is incorrect

But it was ok for helfers to ‘gang up on Babygirl’.