Hate blood elves want high elves?

I mean if you have the monumental brain power to say liking a post =/= approving of it when its the EXACT definition…

…then yes it must be pointed out to be mocked.


Because you seem to not understand your comment, here let me translate:
Here you are stating you should have gotten high elf’s instead of void elves, and that blizzard made a very dumb decision. Implying you are salty about the fact that you got void elves instead of high elves.
Like really is it that hard to understand?

The antis blew the Horn of Gondor. Sound the alarms.

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Oh right, because what a dictionary says is not the actual defenition of why someone might like a post.

Id rather not argue and go back to topic

Do NOT make fun of the Horn of Boromir.

That probably started with

I guess they ran out of actual arguments so they decide to attack players names instead.


Yes thats called logic. Please continue play eternal victim for amusement.

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I think this happens too often :frowning: I am sorry Sara

These alarms?

Apparently reading a dictionary doesnt happen enough

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I mean you ARE a warrior. Tank them like how it’s done.

Lol. I am surprised you need a dictionary to think of what someone uses a like as.

No, I am a Palavoid. Double the justice in the best possible Void Form.

I sniped the healer, aggro not high enough.

Im surprised you are trying to argue a definition in an actual dictionary.

She’s a void Paladin bringing light, justice, and KNOWLEDGE to all!

But she’s a warrior :thinking:

Terrible DPS, basically healing off her.

oh right. look at me making mistake. you are right. void elf paladin.

Her wisdom shines in the light!!

Scene: Sara and friends must battle against Merriam-Webster as they try to circle around a definition in a legitimate reference material