Hate blood elves want high elves?

Are we now at the point where we’re throwing shade at people over their names?

Sorry we’re not all RPers. :roll_eyes:


I’ll let you live my green friend because I like your name.

I never mocked you. You really need to stop.
I’m not saying you can’t wish for high elves.
I actually don’t care if high elves become playable, I was just pointing out they are the same race.
Also nice job you just reversed rpg and mmo :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:

I’m just saying they are the same race I’m not saying that they aren’t different politically


So why are you arguing against High Elves becoming playable if you don’t care if they become playable?


I’m not I’m saying they are the same race.
Is it that hard to understand

As you have said so many times within this thread. Nobody has really been contesting that. People are just saying that they are different groups, and have been treated as such.

I really don’t get what your trying to argue here. I’m saying they are the same biologically with different political views.

That they don’t like your name, apparently.


Lmao :joy::joy::joy:
For real tho


Where have I mentioned anything about his name?

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I really dont care if they become playable, I am firm in belief that the Alliance should get something else rather than reused Horde assets and themes.

Also, I dont personally believe in some of the more radical arguments.

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Note my name


Fine then.

Where have I mentioned anything about pretend-her name?

I’m a girl irl lmao nice try tho

You liked all the posts about their name.

Even the ones that were just about their name.

Nice try, though.


Oh right, liking a post = saying something about a name now is it?

Nice try Guzzle. 0/10

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No, its endorsing behavior. You can like the idea of something but if the behavior is crass…I genually dont give it my liking.


Yes. Liking a post means you agree with and support content of the post.

I thought it was pretty funny considering you don’t have an RP name either, but shrugging woman emoji.


And tell me where it says that in a rule book?

violent flashbacks of someone on MG forums saying Farmhand was against name rules