Hate blood elves want high elves?

Well I mean this whole argument seems to be based around a disagreement with the devs on what the story should be, where the one race clearly went one path, but people are upset because they wanted them to go another path.

RPG doesn’t equal sandbox anything goes (It can, but doesn’t have to be, but I do prefer ones with a stronger story over the now tedious open world tasks). Although nice dig I guess at badwrongfun rpg players there.

While I agree with some of what you said, the fact is, High Elves and Blood Elves have gone separate paths. One is clearly in the alliance and the other the Horde. They have different points of view and have been separated long enough to develop different cultures as well. We just want that expanded upon and for us to be able to play apart of it. That’s really not asking a lot.

Also, it wasn’t a dig, so much as it was an observation. It just seems more people are worried about anesthetics then the actual story and gameplay provided up to this point and choose to vehemently ignore it because it’s something they don’t like or want for themselves in a different way. Not saying you persay, just an observation.


kinda sorta. There are high elves that hire horde players to kill Alliance you know.

Look, the whole point of what I was trying to get you to realize when I started it is that it’s just as unconvincing for me to tell you that there’s not ill effect on your game play to play a blood efl as it is for you to tell me that blood elves and their players aren’t going to be effected by their addition. It comes off as condescending and arrogant, as it just dismisses the real concerns people have about their game play by just writing it off as imagined.

And this can go to arguments on either side.

I understand where you are coming from. I just disagree that it is a legitimate issue regarding their addition, especially when many of the allied races added already cross those same lines that many players already had issues with. But here we are. People still play and enjoy it, and while I know that can be said the otherway around, it doesn’t mean I cannot voice my desires on the matter. We’ll just have to agree to disagree.


And to be completely frank, I don’t think playable alliance high elves is a legitimate issue. I think it weakens and genericizes the world blizzard made by adding in a rather standard elf stereotype that occupies the same story area as the twist they currently have. I also think we’re getting close to the point where WoW has too many races, and I’d much prefer if they added depth to the options the existing races have rather than add shallow breadth with more races that are minor iterations of what’s already here. But I understand people want them, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting them.

I’ll argue the individual points if they attract my attention, but unless someone’s being a complete jerk to me, or in this case doesn’t get why just saying “Your argument is invalid because I think it is” is an effective debate tactic, I keep it to myself since it’s not going to help anything.

DISCLAIMER: before someone else jumps in to argue something else, this is all just my opinion, I have no fantasies about it being the word of god sent from on high to be the end all and be all answer to the debate. I’m just trying to illustrate how effective “I don’t think what you care about is a legitimate issue” is in swaying minds. I am not saying you should not want high elves, or that there is anything wrong with wanting them. Hopefully that’s enough of a disclaimer

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Personally I’m glad this seems to be a minority opinion. I’m of the opinion that adding more races cannot be a bad thing. I don’t see how you can worry about homogenized factions by adding more races, if anything it makes them more unique.

The only cases where I can see this being an issue would be thalassian models having potential for being overused. Fortunately I’m willing to wager we’re near the end of the line for playable races involving these two models (helfs and san’layn, possibly dark rangers, but I think they’re more of a customization for horde since they’re a class, not a race.)

Blizzard as a company seems to be more in line with welcoming change in general, otherwise we’d still have talent trees. They’re slow with introduction, but I’m willing to wager there is a better chance of this happening than not. A few hurt feelings is not a legitimate reason to stop the development of a war story.

Holy cats… y’all were terrible last night…

I think the distinction between high elves and blood elves is quite clear especially in our discussion here. Getting into silly semantic arguments over the high elf name because it happens to represent both a subgroup and the race at large.

And this is where you lose even more credibility, if that’s really why you think people want high elves… then I’d suggest you re-evaluate that.

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The problem with Horde Blood Elves and good-natured Eredar (Draenei) is they were done to “flip the script” and be edgy rather than following the lore. Blood Elves as an enemy faction following Kael’thas would have been better, and Broken and Ogres would have been vastly superior playable additions imo.

The damage has been done though. It just always felt like a cheesy gimmick to drum up sales to me.

That’s pretty much everything blizz does these days ;p

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Fair enough.

They left the alliance between wc2 and wc3 since they are isolationists

High elves are arguably way better morality wise, and not so um…drug junky fel crazed lulus?

See, I cant take you seriously anymore because 1. Your character name is Babygirl, 2. You just say the -Same- things every time how Blood Elves and High Elves are the same, and I really doubt you even care about lores or stories.

So are Asians but they are different groups from other countries. Look at China and Taiwan. Look at Scotland and Britain. That’s literally Quel’dorei and Sindorei now.

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Didn’t they join in on ethnic cleansing on the behalf of a human? Just…saying.
That seems rather morally bad.


and so does your side. theyre different groups, but they are the same people. we all know why, even development, you guys word things the way you do. but saying they are 2 different groups is pointless to point out because that implies equivalency between them. that ‘other group’ just makes up well over 90% of the race and controls the high elf kingdom, of which the little scraps still return to. i doubt even stomrwind, gilneas and kul tiras represent over 90% of the human race, but the splinters have no right to represent the humans and thats what the few individuals lurking around in actual alliance territory are

none of those countries were founded 15 years ago. lets be real here this is all about the SC so lets pretend they are aligned with the alliance of stormwind and not the kirin tor of dalaran. theyre a small group of farstriders who did not want to join the horde with the rest of their people and vereesa was able to give them refuge in dalaran after it was rebuilt and used them to form her SC attracting a handful of like minded mages from the community that returned to help rebuild led by aethas

thats all they are. they did not create another kingdom. they dont have the numbers for that and must rely on the charity of dalaran. comparing them to the people that founded taiwan and scotland is a joke. we are talking about a schism that did not begin until they learned how to drain mana from other sources and again later when their kingdom aligned with the horde. the real world countries you cited have have gone through multiple generations already, while the blood/alliance high elves are the same people divided by 15 years at the most. gameplay wise they bring nothing to the game blood elves arent already doing. and void elves are a thing now as well. i mean you gotta face the reality of the situation at some point

It funny you mention it like this, because it really doesn’t have to work that way. It didn’t with the Void Elves, who were the very same people a little over a year ago, having the same life styles and culture as the Blood Elves. Because they were infact Blood Elves before they dabbles to far with void magics. They probably still have much the same cultures to this day and are still developing what they are now. They’ve had less time to do so then High Elves. But I guess their okay because they’re blue? Seems kind of a cheap argument to just shut people up. If their looks are the issue, they will be changed by the model just like every other allied race added. And I am sure the whole “well if High Elves have it, then so should Blood Elves cause they’re the same people!” Is coming, but as I said prior, so we’re the Void and the Blood Elves, they’ve just had far less time to change. And Blood Elves have changed since their useage and proximity of Fel.


Oh you mean removing the entire group because they snuck a artifact of high power that caused a catastrophe through a city against the will of the leader? No the blood elves were completely innocent huh?

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Agreed, the only BElves that are playable and were devout followers of Kael’thas were us DH’s.

Hi Sara,

No - no thank you. If Blizzard could make just one sweeping change that would cost them my sub - and I’m not alone - that would be it. Faction conflict is at the heart of the founding IP and I want to see more of it, not the disappearance of it. And yes, absolutely, “any race, any faction” would constitute killing the factions for me.

I don’t think I’m at all alone in that.

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You’re not and Ion made it pretty clear that the faction divide is what this game is based on.

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