Haste or Mastery for feral in PVP>

Hi there! I am new to the Druid scene and i started as Balance and i love it. Was just wondering if Feral would work with Haste Versatility gear? Haste Ver is the stat priority for Balance and although i have read here and there that Feral goes Mastery Versatility, could it work ish with Haste Ver instead of Mastery Ver?

I’m tired, dont feel like regrinding another set for Feral :confused: I mostly do Epic BGs, i never step in Arena or skirmish for that matter. I’m about to turn into Loyd from Dumb and Dumber if yall say there is a 1% chance itll work at least lol

Dont mind trying out Feral but not at the cost of regrinding another set of gear :confused:

You for sure need a good amount of mastery in my opinion. Gear should come pretty fast now that conquest is uncapped.

I mean, feral is going to want mast/vers 100% of the time.

However there were a few builds going around of a full haste feral build that just annoyed people to death with clones and stuff. Didn’t have same level of damage though.