Haste or Mastery for Arms PvP?

Seems like some folks go mastery, some go haste. Master = bigger chonky MS/OPs, Haste = smoother rotation and faster bleed ticks?

Can’t really decide, sitting at 24% Haste and Mastery.

20% haste and rest mastery

I don’t think it really matters. I just go with a mixture of them all, including crit.

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You need both. Start stacking haste first then mastery

TBH just go fury. Arms is awful atm.

That being said, mastery is probably your BFF for both specs.

Some people like a little haste, but given our current extreme lack of lethal burst, about the only way to actually kill someone is to get a hurricane stacked fat MS > execute.

But there’s no reason to play arms over fury. Even Magnusz gave up on arms.


it honestly doest matter. im at 25% crit and 24% haste 15% mastery atm. I did try a full mastery build with low haste and crit and it felt awful :person_shrugging:

Wait, I think I copied his talent build.

He gave up on Arms too?!


a lot of players quit arms warr . it feels like it did in season 2 of BFA . it just cant carry in RSS is the problem


I’m experiencing this.


Good news, fury is really strong. Not WW / Mage strong, but strong, and very easy to play.

Not very fun to play though. It’s actually insanely boring.

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Yeah. I remember reading a post a while ago where someone was stuck at 1500 on Arms for a couple of weeks. Then, they swapped to Fury and hit 1800 like two days later.

Since I have some time before the season ends, I’m sticking with Arms for now. I’m not playing at a high rating. If Magnusz took over my toon, they’d shoot up the ladder. So, I definitely have room for lots of improvement.

Yeah it isn’t impossible to push as arms, but you can definitely feel how much harder it is. It just doesn’t hit hard anymore, and is currently designed in pvp to not burst, but do pve damage.

The problem is, fury and arms are the only specs that can really be kited or denied meaningful uptime, so… lmao.

Idk why but Blizzard has successfully gutted every arms burst build there is. Just feels awful.

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he would know!

Ok well hit 1850 in solo shuffle as arms at less than 14 hours played at 70, seems okay!

Still not sure on the stats though. I don’t want to go 100% haste, but too little feels bad. Set looks great!


Mhm. Too much haste and there’s not much heft to the swings, especially in lower uptime matches where you might only get a few globals in before losing uptime, but too little and nothing really flows.

I don’t actually know. I imagine it’s something like a 40/40/20 split between mastery/vers/haste or something. Crit is out. Can kind of slide around the rest depending on preference/comp/matchup or whatever.

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Most warriors run haste, but I’ve preferred stacking some mastery. TRoar+Rend+DW+CS into a tides of blood skullsplitter chunks bigly.

this seasons pvp enchant goes perfectly with the dragon mog. time to push 21hundo after all according to these forums its “FREE” :dracthyr_nervous_animated: :dracthyr_nervous_animated: :flushed: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Big Doze you need to step it up, there’s not enough emotes per post. You’re slacking.

Grats man. Doze aint wrong though, get the enchant. It’s fire.

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I run 14-15% haste and the rest mastery (with tier)

Vers enchants though.

Landed a 210k MS on a mage the other day.

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:triumph: :triumph: :angry:
dont tempt me to go full BFA Doze

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