Has there been any clarification on Bronze upgrade for alts?

Has there been a single word said if there will be (now or in the future) a massive discount for bronze cost on upgrading gear on alts?

My main remix char I am taking my time with upgrading his gear and I was just curious if anything has been said.


ya its 560k bronze like your main was, dont expect a price discount seeing there is still 2 months left

Can’t quickly find it now, but there was an official post tangentially related to this where Blizzard confirmed they would not be lowering the costs of upgrades. I presume that includes re-upgrades and alts.


Oh well. that sucks. I’ll be happy when the event is over and I’ve got one of every class at max level. Thanks.

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Makes no sense why they wouldnt do a discount for Alts TBH, Its not like you’re adding a floodgate to players being OP, It’s still just the 1 player with a bunch of characters with Max ilvl? The only reason that’d bloat the economy of 476 geared players is if someone paid and ran multiple accounts, But hey thats more money in blizzard’s pocket which im certain they so delicately wish to obtain.

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the Simple Solution would be to copy the flightstone discounts from actual retail for Bronze once you got a character with all 556 items.


Cmon, this is blizzard. there are no “simple solutions”

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Here you go:

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They specifically said they would not reduce the cost of upgrades.

Hirav linked it above.

Based on that post, I would tend to believe there is a pretty close to zero chance that account-wide upgrade discounts are going to happen.

They aren’t willing to give everyone discounts they certainly aren’t going to give discounts to the group of people which will include froggers and other exploiters who pushed their ilvl first using tactics blizzard has nerfed, while others still haven’t purchased their first upgrades yet. The only consequence those people got was cloak nerfs and they have already expressed that the cloak is far less important than the ilvl due to how scaling works (from those affected).

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Yes. They said “no”.

Yes they said they have no plans on changing upgrade costs. They said it in the blue post about resetting froggers.

They haven’t, however, ruled out increasing bronze drops, which I expect in a month.

I agree. The way they worded it left the door open to increase rewards across the board which I feel is more aligned to Blizzards nature to do things to the benefit of the largest group possible.

Raising bronze rewards lets people buy upgrades easier (same net effect as a discount) and lets people buy rewards faster. Everyone benefits.

I can totally see them opening the tap on the bronze a little at a time as a catchup mechanic.

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Yes. Blizzard clarified that they want you to suffer.

I still like the idea and concept of this game mode, but at level 70 the scaling is way off, and I don’t feel like making new characters every time or regearing at the current prices, so…I got what I wanted and am done until they do something to fix it.

Not sure what there is to clarify.

As far as I know, its the same as it always was,
First time upgrades for any character are full price.

I would love to have a cost reduction for my alts but so far that doesnʻt seem to be in our future.

Their only official comment doesn’t actually indicate in anyway that they wouldn’t consider adding the discount to alts, just that they wouldn’t change the base cost of upgrading.

It actually makes far more sense that they would add the discount because the mode quickly becomes pointless and people would just quit rather than fully gear multiple characters at that absurd a grind. The discount would increase player participation.

Also, the discount system is copied from Dragonflight flightstones and that discount does apply across alts.

Their clarification is “Heck no, we made this game mode to grind you players into the dust, anything that relieves the grind will not be listened to.”

I’m paraphrasing of course.

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