Has the hype died?

ur right games dead when u uninstall mail me your stuff :slight_smile:


I’m not quitting anytime soon, having too much fun raiding.

But you’re not entitled to dungeons groups or gear. You have to go out and interact with people to get the gear you want. You signed up for the Classic experience. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to continue.

I mean, if you’re instantly going to strawman…go for it. Or go play the game with the systems you want.

but games dead waaaaaa

Have the tourists left?


Have the people who came back to play one of the best versions of their favorite game? No.

Game is alive and healthy, only dead things are servers like stalagg and skeram.

I never said that.

hmmmmmmmmmmm whatever you say :slight_smile:

just wondering where did you get the 1500 players online for medium pop server come from? Did you count them on peak Tuesday 5-7 pm or after phase 2 launch? or bwl launch? or a random day?

First, it’s not all Medium pop servers. Secondly, I used this addon:


Usually the weekends at prime time (6:00-9:00 P.M.). There were 2,300 Horde on Herod last Sunday, Herod is Horde dominant and High pop., so about 3,500 total players.

It was fine at the start when you could interact and get groups.

It takes forever to get a group now even as a tank if you didnt keep up with everyone and were just casual. Thats why its needed.

If you are a dps or heal you hardly ever can get a group.

I dont think you understand what a strawman is because that isnt one. You dont want something in the game which would have no effect on you at all. If people want to use it they can. If they dont, they dont have to.

That makes you the snowflake wanting everyone to conform to your desires. Sorry its the truth.

if you want dungeon finder, retail is waiting for you. >_>

I wouldn’t trust that 100% since its only using the who command

there was a mass exodus around P2 and a lot of people unsubbed. there isn’t a fraction of the people playing now that were when classic launched.

When the search cap is hit, the addon will use more specific search parameters.


/who r- “Undead” c- “Warlock” n-y 60-60

It’s accurate. Purge the data and run a fresh scan every time if you want to check concurrent online player counts.

I quit playing because I got behind in levels on a lot of players and could no longer find groups.

Thats why I quit. I would sit for an hour trying to find something as a HEALER. Thats crazy. There are a lot of people who quit like me so enjoy the lower population base while you can feel special about being some purist. Its kind of weird in my opinon but to each their own.

you’re arguing with someone that thinks classic has more players than vanilla did. at best classic had like 2m or so. vanilla had how many times that? lol. also he’s two minutes away from saying that classic has more population than wrath did because blizz said that more people came back to play classic. which isn’t what was said. XD

You’re the one asking they change the game to better suit you. You are the one wanting Blizzard to conform to your desires.

If you do not like the Classic experience, no one is forcing you to play. However, there are people who enjoy the system in its current form…because it is the classic experience.

classic shouldn’t change given that blizz said it’s a museum piece. you don’t change a game that is supposed to be a museum piece because you don’t want to join a guild.

I am asking for a change that makes dungeons playable. Its a change that doesnt affect you.

That is you making everyone suffer because you get some weird satisfaction of pretending this is a museum piece or w/e weird things you guys keep saying.

Its just illogical and silly, but w/e. idc really my sub runs out and you guys can enjoy your museum piece that no one wants to play with you on.

i run dungeons whenever i want to because i made friends to do dungeons with. you don’t play classic like a single player game and then expect it to be changed for you. get real. find a good guild and then you won’t have to pug dungeons either. that is the solution to your problem. “but i don’t want to join a guild!!!” then go back to retail.