Has the average pug experience been better or worse in SoD?

I’m curious how people have found SoD raiding, especially raiding outside of the guild environment. I’m not sure I’ve had any expansion with as many pug wipes as I’ve seen in SoD. Ony/Thunderaan/BWL all seem to struggle in like 50% of the pugs I’ve joined.

  1. Do you find this to be true of the pugs you join?
  2. Do think the raid adjustments have been better or worse for the game?

Sod raiders are some of the worst of all time.


Lets just say…

I think they should implement LFR and have it be the OG difficulties of each raid with the re-itemized loot; no cosmetic appearances.

…even the “guild runs” lean towards: " :face_exhaling: ".

PUG experience has been terrible since Gnomer. Quit being socially awkward, and just join a guild already.

This isn’t due to SoD. This is due to not having GDKP. GDKP gave very geared players an incentive to carry older raids which then gave pugs a fun and enjoyable experience. My bet is anniversary pugs will be even worst. Actually I bet they won’t even exist.

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I have had only 1 terrible run in months. I kinda saw it coming too cuz there were a couple of people that had no business being in BWL. But for the most part if the leader put a little effort in checking gear. They can go great.

My advice is look for those guild runs that are missing 1 or 2 people. Those are much better then pugging it.

If you don’t have a guild there’s no endgame for you beside doing Onyxia / AQ ruins. Mostly runs are “HR” everything, stood 12hrs yesterday on group finder and LFG channel and coudn’t find AQ40 in Crusader Strike, wish Blizzard could end SoD and move efforts to delivery more content on retail.

I dont know. I found a AQ40 on my rogue and I got 2p t2.5 and I was only one on C’thun dagger if it drop. Ofc it didnt. lol

so, youre saying the removal of gdkp was a good thing as we shouldnt be rewarding players with gear who cant clear the content on their own. gonna have to hard agree here

havent found an issue getting into groups for any of the raids. the AQ40s were mostly fill spots for guilds needing a couple extra people granted.

your experience as a solo pug is going to be dependent on how social you are. if you network appropriately youll be fine. if you sit around in a city afking in the lfg tool youll probably have a bad time.

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Why does it seem so hard for people to find a guild? There are hundreds of guilds on the server discords recruiting, yet I still see people so against joining a guild and only wanting to pug for some reason.

Try to find a pug run by Aussies. Those dudes have their :poop: together every time I join one.

Time commitment for example. GDKP pug are well organised with time slots to choose.
2ND char to pug.

cant talk about raiding cuz I dont have the time for raids but playing SoD has been

  1. annoying in outdoor questing due to people camping stuff I need, bots and generally a rude community
  2. dungeon groups have been extremely rare cuz people rather pay others to speedrun them instead of doing stuff themselves

I m lucky that I m playing with my significant other and we both complement each other (neither of us is a DPS-craze) but overall…eff people

o man dont play fresh if you your having trouble in sod with these

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