Has dragonflight done enough…

Has dragonflight done enough in terms of undoing or reversing all of Warlords, Legion, Battle for Azeroth, and Shadowlands in terms of the systems and borrowed power and mission tables and all of those negative aspects/philosophies/designs?


It is very hard to say for sure since we’re in a honeymoon period, but it is certainly very promising. I love the huge reversals in not-so-fun game design. It just feels so much better!


WB beak


I feel one of the big steps was the account wide unlocking of faction stuff and dragonflight in this expansion. This is far more alt friendly than Shadowlands.

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Still super early but first impressions are absolutely great! If they’ve truly learned their lesson and never give us borrowed power systems or restrict flying then we’ll be well on our way to a fantastic return to form.


Not yet, I think they wanted to test the player base to see how this style works before amping it up.

Plus I have finished leveling so I’m interested in seeing how everything works long-term, patches and such.

I think it’s in a good direction but has a long way to go.

I mean, it’s completely eliminated them so I would say so.

The bigger question is whether 2 months from now there will be an ongoing chorus that there’s nothing to do in Dragonflight.


I miss some of the features Blizzard added that were a lot of fun. Too bad Blizzard didn’t use them in Dragonflight:

  • Warforging / Titanforging - this feature added in Legion was awesome. It kept otherwise obsolete content, like WQs, relevant all the way to the end of the expansion. Sucks that they removed it (DF has it only for leveling quest rewards).
  • Mission tables - was fun to login, dispatch followers, collect gold.
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what day was it released?

have they fixed the beta glitches

Don’t forget MoP.

I realized that I wasn’t going to be able to play today most likely - and my first thought was “Oh no, I can’t fall behind before raids even open up”.

And then I realized the development team finally understood what it needed to do for nearly the last decade.

Unless they decide to start shoving systems into the game, then yes - It’s done enough.

Early, but id say yea. The systems are basically talents for dragonriding and proffessions. So its not tied to player power. that is a huge plus.

It’s a separate expansion. Why are we caring about what happened in the past? Move forward.

Well there’s no more AP grind or clunky endgame system that’s “mandatory” to your progression. So, yes?

IDK. My philosophy is to not look back.

I’m enjoying DF on my hunter a lot. Can’t wait to bring this guy up next. It’s honestly one of the best leveling expansions I’ve experienced so far. I’m immersed in it and not rushing to an end of any sort.

Professions are great. The existence of certain characters upsets really lousy people… I mean, it’s a win in my book so far.

I’ll have to see what it feels like in a month before I have a real feel for what’s actually here, but it’s worth the box price for the leveling alone, and that’s enough for me. :slight_smile:

Players will complain about everything. I foresee a WoD situation where those previously complaining about “too many chores” will change their tune to “nothing to do” in a few months.

Bringing back the freedom to gameplay is nice, but they are still nerfing “fun” things regularly and forcing everyone into a specific playstyle. From my point of view - why did they nerf the evoker double jump and make soloing old raids so much harder?

It smells of the same Blizzard as the last few expacs.

Those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.

It seems Blizzard is doing that.

what else do you want them to do