Has Blizzard Always Hated Night Elves?

Blizzard using night elves as punching bags is simply part of their troll ancestry


Well, that and Alliance characters especially do have a certain amount of Plot Armor they can rely on. As do Horde Characters who are driving the Horde off a cliff and intend to betray it; until they actually betray it of course. Plus, with just how many parallels Tyrande has with Liadrin’s formation of the Blood Knights story … I can’t image the outcome will be Tyrande’s death.

The fact that other races have bad things happen to them doesn’t actually make me feel better about the bad things happening to nelfs. I’m 100% capable of feeling bad about all of it and wishing other races got better stories too, but I main kaldorei so that’s what I tend to talk about. If someone would pay me to post on the forums instead of work for a living, I could go on at length about all kinds of stuff, but this isn’t my job, so I don’t really feel obliged to discuss all the bad things that happened to anyone every time I wanna talk about the bad things that happened to my favorite.


You signed on to the wrong game then.

Warcraft is a World of Adventure.

That means it’s a crapsack world.

Bad stuff happens to EVERYBODY.

why are you being a bad poster?

the worst thing that can happened to a WoW character is getting popular because then blizzard will run them into the ground and ruin them. like saurfang. same thing happens with the night elves. they are one of the most popular alliance races so blizzard writes them into the story but their writing is awful and they can only tell one story


Go ahead. But really people should at the very least have proper expectation of the story. One of the things that made me want to play WoW was to finally see Arthas/The Lich King get his comeuppance. I only started WoW about two months before Wrath launched(also because I was a dirt poor student at the time, living in a developing country but that is a whole separate thing). Can you imagine how I long I had to wait to see Arthas’ story finally end? It took almost 6 years!

Never mind how long it took for the draenei(a race I ended up loving) getting their time in the spotlight to actually deal with the Legion! My point is, WoW’s story moves at a glacial pace, unless your willing to wait it out you will be perpetually angry at the story.

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I agree that as a Nelf I expected there would be great payoff for Teldrassil. Instead, it was literally all for boxart, since the nelves were hardly relevant again in the whole expac. I basically quit for the whole of BFA and was a refugee in ESO. There are 3 factions and 10 playable races in ESO, and all can reasonably have racial and faction pride, so there is no excuse for WoW. I am…hopeful for SL, but I just feel apathetic in WoW now, what with the Nelfs and Alliance as a whole feeling like a joke.


Is it good?

Yeah it is actually :stuck_out_tongue: There is scaling, housing, freedom to explore a huge world, cross-faction play,great lore and writing (lol), and an RP scene which is so much better…not comparable to the usually tragic Gilly rps that are too often the only game in town XD I am excited for shadow priest to not be trash though, and am levelling a velf at the moment. But I dunno…if there is timegating in SL or the Alliance continues to be useless I’ll let my sub lapse. I am taking it month by month.


Never found the RP scene there due to that stupid mageaserver decision…

Mhm i miss my woodelf girl … i have had antlers there!!!

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Yeah with housing RP can be made quite private, which is good and bad. You can quite easily find rp guilds through the guild finder or asking in zone chat though, and there is always a public hub for RP. It used to be Riften and is now Rivenspire, for instance, as far as I know.

To all those who fear cross-faction play will dilute the game, ESO had a similar system but with 3 factions. But ESO realised it had to implement cross-faction play while keeping faction pvp alive, and they did so, with world-wide level scaling to boot, which WoW will now have with SL (and has implemented earlier to a lesser degree), so the same could be done for WoW. Otherwise pvp in WoW will just be merc mode anyway and high level pve on the Alliance will wither. There is a permanent 3-way faction war in ESO at all times; I assure you WOW can do the same with 2 and still have cross-faction pve.

How does the pvp work then do you just toggled it off like War mode? I like Elder Scrolls and wanna check out Tamriel but I’m just not sure about the game, like if the combat is fun or if all the expansions are worth paying money for. Same reason I don’t play final fantasy. the lands look boring and the combat looks atrocious. for all of WoWs flaws I still like its colorful class system and combat abilities.

Ah, it is a seperate mode. You q for battlegrounds or world pvp, which occurs in another map entirely…the central region of the continent, where the three factions are fighting to gain control of the capital. There are multiple ‘campaigns’ of this, so it’s instanced. It’s like Guild Wars 2 world pvp as well, with fighting to control keeps and supply lines. Aside from duelling, the main overworld is essentially PVE without faction restrictions. So imagine yourself questing in Alliance zones with no issue, and vice versa. I guess one way to think of it is to separate country or faction from race. The Horde and Alliance can be at war, but individual orcs, humans etc can still travel in each other’s territory, quest etc. It may sound heretical for WOW, but it works just fine in ESO. You could even keep warmode as an optional thing. Doing all that might solve the issue for high level Alliance pve and the numbers issue of world pvp.

And interesting that you mention combat; the slower paced, tab targeting of WOW feels more clumsy to me now that I have played something else for a couple years XD I still love my Nelf main though. And doing all the old content and seeing the sights. I just hope SL can heal the wounds of BFA for the races, factions, classes and systems. I don’t want to be timegated and in a dying faction on a punching bag race.


Lol, the only troll character we ever had was Vol’jin.

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To be fair, Night Elf RPers can take a fourth option:

For Nelves who have been alive since the War of the Ancients, the very existence of their people being in jeopardy is an old song and dance. They’re sad, sure. Mad, too. But they know the Kaldorei will endure, and face the future with a grim, yet hopeful determination. Shandris is a good portrayal of this, IMO.


Shandris is in my eyes to nice toward anduin, he litteraly denied the night elves the needet support and force tyrande to endure a dangerous ritual, he never tried to end the horde. He tried to save both faction, so his interests were never common with the interests of the night elves.

I have no problem with a nuanced perspective around the leaderboard about certain things, but shandris should at least not lick anduins boots, she should be more focused toward the future of the nightelves, but the alliance, anduin, she should be done with him. He allowed the horde to survive, and even if the night elves starts a new live in a new city, this threat will be there, again. The Horde endured, and thats was the deeds of the own military Leader of YOUR faction.

And thats partly Anduins Fault.

PS:i only speak about ingame perspective, lore perspective, not in an ooc meaning the Allianz should kill the horde until the last child is dead, its more about the lore and anduins goal in the narrative of bfa.


Shandris spent most of her time working with members from nearly EVERY RACE of the Alliance during BFA. To say the Alliance hasn’t tried to end the Horde, or at least made sure they won the war is foolish! The best the Alliance ever gave was a reprive so the Zandalari could mourn the lost their king and even then the Alliance pressed the other front.

And Shandris of all people should know how important the assault to end the Zandalari fleet. She was one of the key people who helped setup the plan to bomb the fleet in the first place.

The Alliance and Anduin gave her people a refugee while their home burned down. And I think she is just as tired of fighting at this point, like some of the night elves.

They could have end the war in Zandalar, you know, it was possible, anduin even told you, that he will not take the chance. Yeah, he never tried to end the Horde, Sorry, zerde. If you want to spare soldiers, then you have to take the chance and end your Enemy, end the war! SO yeah, it is indeed partly his fault that the horde can endure and his responsibility so many soldiers must die after dazar’alor.

Doesn’t change the fact that Anduin should be a persona non-grata for her and that she should kick his a** if he dares to talk to her at all. I didn´t say she should be “for the war” i say, she should be not so nice toward Anduin!

Anduin’s tactics have always been based on this and his motivation was to make peace, he never intended to destroy the Horde. And don´t forget, for Zandalar, a suicide Mission was needed, and many night elves died there as well, but after Dazar’Alor, morality holds anduins hand, he should cut his hand off as price for his decission, he betrayed his own faction and soldiers with this action and dishonored the death of the People who give their life to end this war. in Reality such an military Leader would lose his position.


Or it would have made the Zandalari fight harder. Lets say the Alliance did attack Zanadalar again and tried to sack it, what then? The rest of the Horde would be less inclined to back down where as showing some mercy now might mean the Horde would be more open to negotiating peace, hell Baine was already half way to asking for peace terms. I’d also point out Saurfang might not have turn on Slyvanas if he suddenly hear about the Alliance committing what would be see as a war of annihilation.

Also, the Alliance did not stop fighting the Horde, it was attacking, and winning, every other front of the war.

We saw her stance in Shadow Rising. She was willing to at least listen to Thrall of all people and even willing to work with him. Shandris is nothing if not practical. Again, she commented on what Anduin has done for the night elven people. Also, it is clear she doesnt agree with Tyrande’s current state of mind/the rage infecting her.

The motivation was to end a war and keep casualties, on both sides, to a minimum. I think that is the only “rightous war” to use Wrathion term, one can have. Detroying the Horde might up destroying the Alliance just as well.

And many humans, draenei and worgens as well. Again, the war didnt end. Anduin didnt suddenly have the Alliance stop fighting, it gave them a reprive to bury their dead. Nothing more, nothing else. Hell, even after said reprieve the Alliance was still more then capable of crushing the Horde fleet and only Azshara deciding to join in change that balance.

My country, the Philippines, which is still fighting active rebellions, normally have Christmas truces(which may or may not end up being observed) and no one blinks an eye when it happens. And we have see our fair share of war atrocities.