Has anyone seen naxx PTR health

Lol the hard modes of naxx is gonna be funny :joy: people say AQ is too hard for people as won’t lie aq 40 has been a joke with the hard modes after bug fixes I’m gonna leave this here patchwork on difficulty 1 will have 8.8 million health and on mode 8 has naxx WOTLK health that so they’re expecting our damage to be with ease 10k plus being geared and with some of the sets like pallys tiers for instance what’s been leak I don’t see that happening

Where do you see any of this

Name checks out

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My guild has done most bosses now(not loath, sapp, KT) on difficulty 10 on ptr. No new mechanics bosses have lots of hp and hit hard. Maex was annoying because outside of grace I could get 2 shot during enrage. Loath same thing if not worse. But ye they are all like 3 min fights ATM. New mechanics would be nice instead of just hitting tanks hard and having lots of hp

Unless they nerfed it heavily patchwork health is 19 mil rank 10 yall did that 20 players hard mode rank 10 in 3 minutes 19 million damage XD

I hope these difficulties are just for tuning and there is only 1 hard mode difficulty when they release it.

Only patch grob, thad, and loath have stupid high HP pools, but with the shoulder enchant bug most of us were doing 10-11k DPS. So yes the fight was about 3 and a half minutes.

good to see were gonna be doing wotlk damage so understandable im working on helping my guildies learn there rotations to dps higher im excited to see naxx now :smiley: were there alot of major bugs? one shot mechanics