Has anyone played the soul reaver 1 and 2 remakes?

if ao, r they worth buying i never had a ps1 ive seen people raving about it on reddit but like idk if its worh buying pwease halp

I didn’t even know they were remaking Soul Reaver.

Are they remaking Blood Omen too?

I’d pay good money for Blood Omen.

Kain >> Raziel any day.

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I’ve not seen any plans for it but the original Legacy of Kain is on GoG though.

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Yeah, I didn’t even know the game existed till yesterday from Reddit. I think they’re only remastering the first two games. also, why raziel over kain idk their personalities but raziel obv the cooler one

Blood Omen is the very first game.

It was Blood Omen first, then Soul Reaver, then Soul Reaver 2, then Blood Omen 2, then Defiance.


What’s that game with the skeleton guy

It’s MediEvil

It needs a reboot

Killer Instincts, Spinal.

Grim Fandango :smiley:

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Blood omen was amazing. Soul reaver was cool but a very different kind of game. A full remake of the original game has a lot of potential.


They are pretty good games, they show their age for sure. But its worth playing them if you can stomach ps1 era game design.

They were fantastic games

Good story, good replayability, memorable characters, surprisingly good VA for the time

It had a remake that kinda, flopped fairly hard

Its one of those games that are better off staying in the past

The people raving about them on Reddit have likely played them before, a long time ago. Like me. I love both, personally. But if you’ve never played then they might not be for you. These games are from the infancy of implementing 3D graphics. Everything will look and feel very primitive to somebody not used to games from then, remastered or not.


Yeah ps1 games can be so hard for modern gamers since it was when 3d was really starting. So many things we take for granted in modern 3d titles. Let alone just all of the general game design advances weve had since then.

But these games are a piece of video game history. And i think their stories are actually pretty solid considering the time period.

I would say the same things you are saying about a game like metal gear solid for example. But i think, similar to metal gear solid, people really into gaming owe it to themselves to experience these games and their frustrations.

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You can REALLY tell it’s from the era when games were first put on CDs. Because of all. the. talking. So much voice acting. It was never an option before - no space! But with CDS, the sound departments were suddenly all like kids in candy stores.

I really appreciate the addition of sky boxes. They’re very well done. (For context, there was no way to look up in the original games because controllers of that era weren’t designed for such things, so there were no sky boxes)

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Soul Reaver 2 is one of the best games the PS2 ever had, and one of the games that first made me actually even care about games.


It’s some of the most incredible VA of any game, from any era, including the modern one.

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I knew I liked you!

Vae Victis!

I bought a PS2 specifically to play SR2.

This intro still gives me chills.


gotta say bros i’m delighted to learn so many of you are fans of SR2 and the other LoK games. i always felt these games didnt rally get the following they deserved so yea, mad respect for u peeps and ur obviously good taste.

i collectively award u the coveted 3 piggeh salute!

:pig2: :pig2: :pig2:

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I bought all of these games on Steam a few years back because I kept thinking to myself - why haven’t they made another one yet? I need a fix! I’m hoping that these excellent remasters will show the company that there’s a lot of interest out there and they make a modern Blood Omen/Soul Reaver that doesn’t suck.

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I still have all the original games on their respective consoles and all the pc versions on GoG and Steam. Even had the arena PVP game set in Legacy of Kain universe that never made it out of open beta. It was actually a spinoff of a spinoff of the LoK universe that also never came out called Dead Sun.

…I am a huuuuge fan of LoK.

My wife (also a fan) and I are exchanging copies of the SR remakes for Christmas. I hope they continue the series… Some of the original voice talent has passed but Simon Templeman (Kain) and Michael Bell (Raziel) are still around and working. I would bet money they would both be willing to return!

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