Did you subscribe when you ticked the beta box? I thought all day 1 accounts got in. Guess that was a lie. But if thats a lie I dont know how I got in. Ive never gotten in any of their betas for years. And I havent had a sub since… a single day of Draenor I think? I promptly called up and cancelled it within an hour. I only resubbed when it was announced you needed one to be chosen.
So I have no idea why I got flagged.
The account page still exists: https://blizzard.com/account/management/wow/subscription/payment-history.html
When I go to that link I can see my whole subscription history, all the way back to day 1 and all those credits we got for the downtime in 2004/2005.
If you don’t believe someone, give them the link and ask for a screenshot. lol