Has anyone from 2004 not been granted access to the beta?

Seems like many from '04 are in. I see some older posts from people claiming to have '04 accounts saying they are not in.

Yep day one account changed setting for beta as soon as it popped as well… Not in

Also actively participated in other betas.


Old player here too did all the raids and dungeons at its time from Deadmines to Naxxramas 40. Not in but I don’t mind waiting. I waited more than a decade to play vanilla again I can wait a little longer.

Do I want the beta oh yes definitely but I wont lose my mind over it either


Not me. I think i was November 04

Week one account and no invite
#Edit…Got one a few of hours ago

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December 2003 (originally Illidan server on Alliance). Still did not get any.

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im a vanilla player not a day one player though due to no internet in my area when the game launched. Cant really remember the date of account creation but no beta here yet so hopefully in an upcoming wave

Same, vanilla player here but I hadn’t sub since the end of TBC because I had to focus more on school and stuff.

1st day account here. Nothing yet.

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I didn’t get an email - make sure you check the drop down box in the Blizzard launcher for region / account as the first notification you may see is the Beta: Wow Classic option in that selection box to download the client and start playing.

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Started playing a few months in with no break since and have been in other WoW closed betas.

I think they are going to keep the number of invites down to those who publicise the game for a week or two.

I’ll buy a damn billboard.

I am also willing to get a tattoo on my face for beta access

I’ve played since vanilla open beta through TBC, but don’t have the same account anymore. I guess i’m screwed and won’t get invited for awhile. Good luck to all of you original vanilla players. Hope you all get in.

yep im in, day 1 player

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Would be cool if you could see the start date of the accounts. I don’t think it is confidential information but I am willing to bet that a good chunk of people who say they played during Vanilla, actually didn’t.

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Well you can check their achievements if you care that much.

Most '04 players did not get in I’m assuming, or just so many havent checked their client because the server is still pretty empty.

I started just before Mara opened, almost positive that was in 2004, but I am not 100% sure, but no invite yet. I am hoping though lol.

Did you subscribe when you ticked the beta box? I thought all day 1 accounts got in. Guess that was a lie. But if thats a lie I dont know how I got in. Ive never gotten in any of their betas for years. And I havent had a sub since… a single day of Draenor I think? I promptly called up and cancelled it within an hour. I only resubbed when it was announced you needed one to be chosen.

So I have no idea why I got flagged.

The account page still exists: https://blizzard.com/account/management/wow/subscription/payment-history.html

When I go to that link I can see my whole subscription history, all the way back to day 1 and all those credits we got for the downtime in 2004/2005.

If you don’t believe someone, give them the link and ask for a screenshot. lol

yea 1st day but no beta