Has anyone ever found Pre-Cataclysm Troll Mages weird?

No. They stole from Zanza the Restless who is a Zandalari Loa. Not an Amani.

Read the story again. Zanza learned the Amani. The Elves stole from the Amani.

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Zanza is from the Zandalari.

Yes and? I said read the story, you should check your sources first.
The Amani were thought by Zanza. Their arcane knowledge was stolen by the Elves.


I think trolls just don’t/didn’t have mages in the way we think of them. (Studious bookworms working under archmages in Dalaran or ancient knowledge from the many types of elves)

Now we have troll members of the Kirin Tor and such, but I think before having contact with the other races, it’s probable that they just practiced a more primitive form of it rather than having a complex understanding.

Not really all that weird. It’s not like they inserted this huge arcane magic tradition out of no where. They just have some trolls that learned magic hanging around. There is plenty of evidence that trolls have some magic knowledge, but it’s also never really been a big focus for them.

This forum operates in on/off mode. There can be middle ground you know.

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Technically since you apparently do, and you’re a somebody, the answer is undeniably yes.