Has anyone ever found Pre-Cataclysm Troll Mages weird?

Not at all weird no.
I wish Troll spell classes would use other names though ike loa priests for example. You could rp a fire mage as a Janalai priests.

Zanza is a good reason why it’s not weird for them to have mages as a class. Even High Elves did steal from him.
With MoP an Arcanserpent became also a thing for Zandalari.
In Shadows of the Horde Vol’jins saw a Zandalari using arcane magic to torture a Pandaren, during the time of the Mogu empire.


Druid arcane magic is weird because originally it was just a game mechanic stand-in to represent moon magic, because Blizzard didn’t want to create a 7th elemental magic type that only represented a couple of spells from a single class. Apparently at some point Blizzard forgot that and decided that Moonfire and Starfire were arcane after all, but originally they didn’t “really” have arcane spells at the time.

Edit: Also I think the reasoning for no tauren mages back then was that they were too stupid to understand the class, although I really hope I’m misremembering that because it’s kinda yikes.

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I don’t recall that. We even see Grimtotem have what I think are mages in Classic.

Those “mancers” are always hard to judge.


Goblins were not created by Mimiron. It is said that he performed experiments with Kaja’mite with them but Goblins are not of Titan linage. It is most likely that Goblins learned Magecraft from Humans thanks to their constant contact with them.

Darkspear Trolls on the other hand don’t have a proper explanation and a lot of the theories have issues. Some say that the Zandalari taught them. Yet, between the non-Zandalari tribes, somehow only Darkspear, not even Gurubashi (who are jungle trolls like them), have Mages. What makes them special (apart from being the playable trolls)?

Also some say that the Night Elves won because of the Well and not because of their mages. Yet during the Troll Wars the 100 Human Magi made a huge difference in the conflict.

I see nothing that suggests goblins learnt magic from humans.

Magecraft isn’t some thing that must be taught. We see races like murlocs, gnolls and kobolds have mages of their own.

Hell, we had goblin artificers as far back as the War of the Ancients, so goblins had access to the arcane long before humans did. Goblins helped make the Dragon Soul, after all.

I didn’t say that, I said they had a connection to him.

i’m pretty sure it was the army leading them into the trap that was more important, not the addition of a hundred mages. There were elven mages involved, after all. While it certainly helped, I don’t agree human mages were the deciding factor of the war.

I suggest they just maintained the tradition, even if other races fell off, from when all trolls were once the same race.

It’s been said all tribes once had Shadow Hunters, but we don’t see them all have Shadow Hunters anymore, so the idea that some tribes maintained certain classes while others didn’t isn’t unreasonable.


Goblins are smart. Humans also had rogue wizards during Warcraft 3 that operate in the underworld, this is most likely how Goblins learnt about magic, in the same way they learned about the Light cause religion can be used to get money (there is a goblin in their starting zone that offers blessing in exchange of gold).

Also Kobolds, Murlocs and Gnolls don’t have Mages, their spell casters are Shamans.

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Again, goblin artificers worked for Deathwing during the war of the ancients. The goblins used spellworks to help create Dragon Soul.

From that, I gather goblins had access to mages long before humanity learnt the art themselves.

They have access to things like Hydromancers and Pyromancers, who are both called mages in lore. While there are shamans to sometimes use those titles, they are more associated with mages.

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Shamans are also capable of pyromancy and hydromancy. Still nothing related to the Arcane. That Darkspear trolls somehow have access to.

My personal head canon for Troll Mages in Vanilla was that they were just a different type of Shaman, one that focused on Fire and Water elements, and arcane magic was just a form of Voodoo. I mean, Polymorph felt like it’d be easy to add to a Witch Doctor’s repertoire of spells without breaking immersion, and Shamans did eventually get Hex, which is similar to Polymorph.

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But we’re both assuming here. You are just assuming those primitive races are actually shamans and not mages, where’s I’m assuming they can be mages.

I just assume Darkspear had pyromancers and hydromancers, and were able to figure out how to do arcane too.

So? Why is this weird to you? Why can’t it be a craft they just maintained from the Zandalari days like Shadow Hunters, another thing some tribes have forgotten.

Or, another question, why must it be taught to them? Why can’t have the Darkspear just figured it out on their own if the idea of them maintaining it from Zandalari times is so strange?


The Zandalari learned from the Mogu. The Mogu are titanforged. You talked about Ogres but Ogres on Draenor have lore related to it. Just like how Draenei Shaman have Nobundo and Blood Elf Paladins have Liadrin. Troll Mages have nothing like that. It’s like suddenly the Darkspears started using Arcane Magic when World of Warcraft started. It feels like a last minute addition that was never properly made in time.

Really, pyromancy and hydromancy are schools of magic, not actually classes in and of themselves. They’re schools that can be learned as any class (or no class) that specialize in fire/water based spells.

Classes really shouldn’t be narrowly constrained to the WoW in-game templates, when Lore actually shows that it’s far more complicated then that. And Lorewise, Murlocs and Gnolls don’t have established Mage classes. They are actually stated to have Shamans on the otherhand, so it’s not really an assumption that their pyromancy and hydromancy are a practice of their Shamanism.


Nope. Elves are just better at it.
Think about it like this: Elves are the trolls of magic.
Trolls adapt to their environments, elves adapt to magic. This is most obvious through Thalassian elves, who have a wide variety depending on which political faction and which magic they chose for themselves.


Trolls had mages and arcane magic. Just not pointy hat, mage tower, magic-as-science style magic with an emphasis on portals and fireballs. And there isn’t a huge division between “arcane/divine” magic among Trolls.

But between all the talk of mojo, alchemy, non-priestly magic users, and the like, the Jungle Trolls used plenty of magic that doesn’t rely on their connection to any particular supernatural spirit. And they were still very far ahead of Orcs and Tauren in this regard back in Warcraft 3/Vanilla.


Troll Witch Doctors use Shamanism or Shadow Magic though. Nothing related with the Arcane.

No, no They don’t. They are useing Voodoo.

Trolls using the arcane ist nothing new. Even Amani NPC have mages since TBC.

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Amani don’t have mages. They have one boss that stole the essence of a Dragonhawk Loa.

That’s were you’re wrong.

Amani have mages. Even the High Elves did steal from them and copied them.

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But Leylines count right?




And when you created Mage in vanilla, you were supposed to learn from tablets at the beginning.
And in Vanilla there was tale about Gurubashi Sorcerer that harmed Kraken with his magic.

Trolls were always adapt with magic, they are very creative race. Elves won against them because they had well of Eternity as power up.
But that doesn’t mean that trolls didn’t have it, and that their knowledge couldn’t be passed on to newer generations.

I assume The reason why mages were not popular could be that Arcane demans time and certain conditions to study, and how trolls could dedicate their time for that when for years they were forced to fight for survival.

Edit: I think the issue is that ever since elves were introduced in WoW they monopolised mage/enchants stuff. While the game should’ve explore other race practices.


I still miss those mages and the story about the lost artifact. Could have been something net later on.