Has anyone come up against that MM/MM/Disc team?

They double tap aimed shotted my a** and tried to mass dispel cauterise all in 1 global.

You mad about that?

yeah seen a few double mm disc

pretty much auto wins against any mw team even through cocoon

brings me back to wod 5s the 4 mm /x team that would oneshot literally anyone
would have to bait them out of stealth with a ready bubble/bop or sac

Cashmeoutside, always posts in lfg (LF HEALER FOR DUEL-BOX). He’s actually terrible.


Yeah cashmeoutside and “howboudah” is who I come up against ZZzzzzz, they’ve yet to get me. Come close though.

fought them like 2 days ago on an alt, laughed when i cc’d one and both trinketed and then they afkd


This made me lol :joy:

If they don’t get the kill right off the bat they /leave arena


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yeah he boxes

I did last season and a couple of days ago on this toon. If he doesn’t kill you in the opener he instantly leaves the match.

If the hunters name were “youve, gotten, oneshotted, roflmao” (horde)
“Omgbecky, lookat, thatshot” (alliance)
That was me.

I pushed to 2390 on alliance, and 2.2k+ on horde. (Last season of WoD 5s)