Prince Renethal is quoted to saying she’s the wielder of Elu… before getting cut off and then she is shown to have moonfire abilities like a druid? Uhhhh tf. Can someone explain this to me. Thanks
It’s literally revealed that she was a Night Warriors and retained her powers in death in this week’s campaign questlines.
well dang, I should have finished that. LOL
We have 4 Night Warriors and yet it seems only 2 still have their full potential: Tyrande and the Stonewright.
The Stonewright absorbed even more power during the ritual to save Tyrande so she has a lot of Night Warrior Anima to throw around!
The Stonewright is unique in that she retained her powers after her mortal death.
Nah all do, one of the maldraxxi trying to gain entrance into the House of Rituals from the House of Plagues mentions he is a mage and can channel anima thereby.
I’m referrring specifically about Night Warriors, none of the other former NWs retain their powers.
Thiernax used “druid abilities” in 9.0 + the stonewright/Khalliq thing is a 9.1 pivot and we haven’t seen Khalliq in combat in 9.1
Again, I was referring to their Night Warrior powers. It’s rather unusual that the Stonewright retains hers if they require constant fueliing by Elune.
And I’m saying Thiernax also kept his, and Khalliq thus probably kept hers.
the interesting part about the night warrior power is…that no night warrior ever lost his power entirely…even in death…they are still capable to use a part of that former power.
We don´t see that with any other power.
You could argue for Kael’Thas, but the normal …souls in the shadowlands are …simple Souls …they don´t use any power or magic anymore…and we don´t know how this works, why have some characters still their normal…appearance and seemingly their body and others not.
There’s no evidence of that. It would also go against the narrative of the Night Warrior being a drain on Elune’s power.
Nobody has said invoking Elune is draining her power, that hasn’t been stated in-game at all nor presented as an argument anywhere.
Thiernax uses moonfire, Stonewright uses moonfire, only one we haven’t seen fight in 9.1 is Khalliq
Elune’s power isn’t drained from it’s victims it instead grows and overloads them!
The point of the Night Fae Questline in 9.1 is to stop the Night Warrior’s powers from going out of control!
Just because you see someone using druid powers doesn’t mean they retained nightwarrior powers. I’ve got a druid who uses moonfire and he’s not powered by the night warrior.
Sure but we’re told in-game him and his husband were night warriors and they use moonfire. We are likewise told Stonewright was also a night warrior and the only spell she uses is moonfire.
Problem with that is we are shown fairly explicitly through Tyrandes transformation and subsequent approach to war that the Nightwarrior is a supercharged MELEE fighter. She changes from a caster/archer to a melee specialist with a penchant for smashin things with her glaives. All those light bombs surrounding her in the recent quest are just her inabilty to contain Elunes power, if thats what we are going off.
Incorrect, Stonewright uses moonfire to insta-kill all the dreadlords she fights for most of the first quests in the Unseen Guests Chapter. Doesn’t slap anyone with a sword until the Mal’Ganis encounter a few quests later, and there she doesn’t use any moonfire.
Perhaps the stonewright was just hellishly awesome without nightwarrior powers.
The Moonfire even uses a unique Animation Model different from the Druid Player’s Moonfire.
The Moonfire of the Night Warrior is Bright Cyan while the Moonfire of Druids is Purple.
Furthermore the Model for the Moonfire has a name(9fx_Lunar_Dark_Moonfire_Impact_Base.m2) that makes it blatantly clear(as the Night Warrior is tied to the Moon during it’s Dark phase) it was intended for Night Warriors only.