Harronir Certainly Aren't Nelves



I really don’t get the appeal of them. Druids protecting a tree? Haven’t see that before.


I’m probably one of the biggest “there’s too much nelf content in the last few expansions” people I know. But dear god you are insufferable about it. They’re as much troll as they are Night Elf. Having a couple of smelly redditors echoing the same sentiment doesn’t help your case, btw.


Like most folks have said, it seems a distinction with little difference. They are clearly related to both in some way.

They are either the ProtoTrolls we were teased about - maybe Trolls came from the ground and then spread on the surface?

Or they evolved from Trolls, parallel to the Night Elves. Some Trolls went underground a long time ago?

I would be surprised if they were some totally new thing.

I get it.

Trolls can be freaky. Night Elves can be stuffy.

These haranir are some where in the middle. For people who like the wild nature stuff, but aren’t sold on Trolls or NElves or Cows.

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I love the appeal of the Harronir personally. Be cool to see them playable one day


Elves for the people who don’t want to like the popular elves. Hipster elves.

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I’m just saying if you showed these guys me with no broader context I’d assume they were some kinda Troll. Especially after hearing them talk.


The harranir seem to worship Azeroth directly.

They also seem to not be a mortal race, as they call us, well, mortals.

They also have similarities with Trolls.

I think maybe they’re sort of Azeroth’s keeper race?


Do not talk to dreadmoore about elves after midnight


I say we all post on elves after midnight :rofl:

Azeroth saved them from the Divine Moosehumper Cult, because Azeroth is kindly Cosmic Mommy.

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…will he turn into a Gremlin?

He will turn into the gremlin blob from the end of the second movie. :rofl:

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If they’re playable, I hope the bat form is a racial ability for all classes they get.

They’re definitely going to be an allied race, my guess is that 11.1 will deal with the crisis Orweyna is seeing visions of, the quests currently are setting up a clash with Gallywix, and then later on we’ll see the fallout of that. She’ll either become the leader of her people after the elders get got, or she’ll lead an exiled group of them that join either faction.

I think my favourite part about them is how secretive they are, where they’ve been noticed but only as the ‘weird bats’ all this time. And only in the underground, I assume.

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This is my bet.

The original Troll race split into a bunch of different races. We got all the different Troll named variations like Jungle, Frost, etc. But some also became Night Elves. And a separate group became Harronir.

I don’t think Harronir will have any direct connection to Night Elves. They are likely a completely separate branch of Trolls.

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I mean, they are voiced by the same actor that voice the trolls, even Orweyna is voiced by Talanji.

They are trolls to me.


Could be the Dark Trolls that haven’t been near the well of eternity. That can be my guess with the Harranir.

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the dark trolls that didn’t go near the well got wiped out so i doubt its them.

Worship Beledar is more like it as the Radiant Song is what Orweyna sees when contacting her Goddess.

As for what could be inside the Beledar that the Harranir worship…

Probably that upstart “goddess” that Xal’atath thinks is Elune who happens to be Xe’ra’s ancestor…

As for who that is: Xal’atath is in deals with Azshara and most certainly has the Pillars of Creation which were in Dalaran when she assaulted it and among the Pillars is the Tears of Elune and Eye of Aman’Thul…

Reverse Azshara’s transformation back into a Night Elf using the Eye of Aman’Thul then suffuse her with Azerite(which is infused with Light thanks to Beledar and other such Light Crystals infusing their power into the World Soul) and the power of the Tears of Elune and you get the very upstart “goddess” that Xal’atath considers a great enemy.

Yes I suspect Azshara to be in Beledar and the Goddess worshipped by the Harranir(who will turn out to be a branch of Dark Trolls led away from Elune by Azshara to become her chosen people). The Goddess of the Golden Moon opposed to the Blue Eye known as Xal’atath as well as opposed to the Goddess of the White Moon known as Elune.