Harm/Help Macro Help

I’m trying to make a harm/help macro involving a spell that switches over when talented (Earth Shock/Elemental Blast). I don’t think it’s possible but decided to ask before I just make 2 separate macros.

This is what I have.

#showtooltip [known:earth shock]earth shock;elemental blast
/cast [nomod,harm] elemental blast; [nomod,help] earth shield
/cast [mod:alt,@player] earth shield

The #showtooltip updates correctly when I switch over to the other talent, but I don’t know if it’s possible to include a conditional for earth shock;elemental blast in the middle of a [harm] [help] line.

/cast [mod:alt,@player]Earth Shield; [help]Earth Shield; [known:8042,harm]Earth Shock; [known:394150,harm]Elemental Blast

Using the spell ID, you should be able to omit the forced icon data. I may have the incorrect spell IDs as there are multiple listed on Wowhead but, you can find them there with a complete search.

I’d recommend leaving help/harm off of whichever spell ends up being the default or your tooltip will show the ? when you don’t have a target.

This should fix that for all possibilities with your macro.

/cast [mod:alt,@player] [help] [noknown:394150,noknown:8042] Earth Shield; [known:394150] Elemental Blast; Earth Shock

There’s templates in the pins if you want to add stuff like mouseover to it.

I appreciate the ideas, and will check the pins. Unfortunately both of your replies left off the [nomod] line part of my macro, and I haven’t been able to make it work with that. Will play around with it regardless.

The nomod was only used to skip everything and cast earth shield @ player if you were holding alt. That’s first in the order now, so if you’re holding alt that conditional will return true and cast earth shield @ player. If you’re not holding alt, it will return false, and move onto the next conditional set. If you’re not targeting a friendly, the [help] will return false and it will move on again, etc.

Adding nomod as a conditional to the elemental blast and earth shock casts serves no purposes other than to brick the macro if you’re holding shift or control.


Then it sounds like the macro that was posted by Elvenbane wasn’t working as intended. Using this macro on training dummies right now,

/cast [mod:alt,@player] [help] [noknown:394150,noknown:8042] Earth Shield; [known:394150] Elemental Blast; Earth Shock

When I’m targetting an enemy, both [nomod] and [mod:alt] are just casting Earth Shield on myself. It never casts elemental blast/earth shock.

Change the 2 instances of spellid 394150 to 117014.

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That fixed it! I had a little scare when I switched from elemental blast to earth shock to verify both versions worked when it decided to remove every single spell+macro off of my bars. LOL.

Thankfully force quitting and relogging returned everything back.