Hardware ban When?

Yeah it would be pretty neat at times.

But on-topic, it would probably be true.

In any case, it wouldn’t be 1 in 40,000 chance that you’d die in an accident. If cops stopped combating traffic infractions, that would rise to probably 1 in 4,000 or 1 in 400, or even less.

Yet people see speeders and crime regularly.

Why don’t people take this real-world logic into WoW and understand that if things were like they actually say they are (“Blizz doesn’t care about bots…” or similar) that things would be exponentially worse?

No it isn’t. Not one bit. Just because you are ignorant of how it can be done with hardware doesn’t mean it isn’t possible.


No that is you making an assumption and a bad one too. Look at why they made that policy and you will be able to figure out why multi boxing using hardware is okay (well maybe).

It is because the botters were using the same software that multiboxers were using to bot.

I see you have corrected yourself now on whether or not multiboxing is okay. Now lets try correcting your assumption about why they were doing this, i.e the ‘spirit of the law’.

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Lol buddy the hell are you talking about , hardware ban is a great way to get them bots and cheaters to suffer more losses and if everytime they get ban they gotta change hardware is a double win for me for the realm and for azeroth.

White knighting a multibillion dollar company that takes decades to implement stuff that is out for most games out there is simply trolling , i do wonder why even come to this thread to be outraged by someone discussing stuff that clearly you dont care at all. id say go and troll lfg chat or something buddy if you got nothing to bring to the discussion.

also regarding MB people love to find loopholes in semantics to disregard entirely the multiboxing situation its like its a crime to kill a person , then someone gets caught killing a person and he replies " yes but you didnt say its a crime to kill a person with a knife its not in the tos" .

It could be done. Some software takes unique data from several different hardware items. HDD, BIOS, MB etc to create a unique hidden I.D. Bastion had a group of bots farming skins for almost a day as the area was hyper-spawning skinnable mobs.

Learn to read.

What are you talking about? There’s no loophole MB are jumping through. It says right here on the official Blizzard website that it’s ok:


And to your really dumb comparison… murder is illegal no matter if you use a knife, gun or a fish. There’s no loophole for the weapon durrrrr

Won’t it be bad for the game if they ban all hardware, as that would include all our computers?

They can’t determine if hardware is doing anything.

Well bots use software applications so hardware banning wouldn’t do anything. Oh you are anti multi-boxing, yeah 2 different things.

Again my guy its ok to multibox you got another account open and you can use one and tab on other one , but for all the multibox that have being doing it for gold advatange and this is maybe 95% of the boxers it doesnt work, what is the intention of blizzard banning the software that made it easy for boxers to farm herbs , mine , pvp etc ? was to stop them from doing it .

if you circumvent this software ban with hardware because it doesnt state specifically that you cant use hardware to replicate what they are banning the software for then what are you doing ? finding a loophole and taking advantage of it to keep on doing what blizzard doesn’t want you to do .

so its not a dumb comparison but its the dumb logic of the angry boxers that want to keep on running old operations multiplying revenue and so on without being banned .

Hardware ban is a step on the right direction and wow needs this badly to fight back against the cheaters.

I thought a hardware bans your exactly serial number if computer or something?

Exactly what I said. I was clear.

Yeah, you can throw the “white knighting” thing all you want. I argue on the side of common sense and logic. When people are at a loss as to how to continue to further their agenda, given the logic I put forth, they tend to throw the “white knight” or “shill” or “you work for Blizzard” thing at me.

I am used to it. It’s a common tactic when one’s pride or ego prevents them from saying, “oh, that guy has a point, I might reconsider my position on this.”

But if you want to name-call, that’s fine. That’s not a valid tactic in any form of organized debate, but absolutely your prerogative.

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hardware ban can be done in several ways , its usually the HDD id that the game dev uses to ban ya.