I’m waitin’ sweety, you coming?
me too
I went and checked he is online in a dungeon
Bullies don’t usually come back after they’ve been stood up to. I doubt we will hear from him again in this thread. I think hes still in middle school based on his level of maturity. On a side note, I want to knock fc off the edge of bgs as well… does it take a while going from scratch to unlock kul tiran?
Idk he sure is cocky, he might. It’s happened before, however it usually follows with something about my mother after they get the flag.
About the kul tiran? i made an edit.
I see. Um honestly it’s not too bad. Get a contract for proudmoore and just gobble up all the quests.
Shouldn’t take too long.
You know it doesn’t look good when you call someone out and then ignore the request and just log out without even responding.
But you ever decide to actually hold the fight you let me know.
So you going to do this or what?
Relentless… daaamnn i definetely wouldnt respond if i was him.
Oh man he was last seen on the forums 3 hours ago, he definitely saw this and chickened. Oh well D:
follow him to every post, haunt him every day of his life.