WW is god mode in 2’s and you act hard about a 66% w/l
WW is god mode in 2’s and you act hard about a 66% w/l
Doubt that too. Maybe higher xp, but I haven’t met that many that have been maining WW since day 1.
Also I wouldn’t know as you have been posting on a classic character.
Only reason I even brought all that up is because this seems to be his first real pvp season and then he went and looked at stats without even understanding what the information was saying.
I mean the thread started from a troll position lol.
It is pretty tough, but the thing about WW now it is the old rogue, it actually takes knowledge to be good.
I think ALL classes require knowledge in order to succeed or noone woukd have a clue how to do anything.
You need to learn how to read, I understand you feeling a little sore after that slamming you took from the forums last night, but really man it’s just getting sad.
Can’t main a WW from day one… it was mists! But then you were like DH now except you were a hybrid of DPS and healing was awesome! But now you know full well it plays like rogue of old you have so many abilities that were stripped from rogues only reason is WW is a clunky rotation
There was a day one of mop was there not?
Yeah I played Noempathy… from Mist… day one I guess 2014
WW are strong yes, they work well with a healer. However, a healer has superior choices.
DK is likely better in 2’s with a healer
And DH is better in 2’s with a healer.
I will give you though that DH aren’t good in 3’s though they die after their defense is down.
Yes nothing quite as cringey as the old “we got you so good haha rekt omg”
Ill decide that tyvm. And i decided that you are incorrect.
Mr act hard
That’s right I am the act hard, that’s me.
Was this a character? Sorry I remember Balance and Venruki, and only because I have personally interacted with them.
Seems DH aa the new Dk macro “ any ability” I win!
Gonna have to agree with the big homie here.
Some of you are missing the point. Enhance isn’t hard to play if you’re just hitting a raid boss. The rotation, at its core, is keep up your buffs and press stormstrike as much as humanly possible. What makes Enhance hard to play is that you are made of tissue paper. You’re affliction lock without being a ranged dps.
Playing both Ele/Enhance, the game moves 10X faster as Enhance because you’re constantly worried about things going very south for you. It’s the easiest melee to punish in the game.
No only for my FOTM, always rogues! Always
Ah ok. I hadn’t played a rogue seriously since ret/rogue wrath
Loved that comp! Take a rest at like 1500 charge him boom! 2k ez
Boom kin was nice, but my favorite was spriest/rogue!im the reason Rey/rogue got DRed
How dare you
We would Cs, KS,into ret stun dead! So many complained to GC
Ah you were combat then? I really liked mut rogue